How to Surgically Address a Full or Aging Neck

Surgically Address Aging NeckNeck liposuction and neck lift procedures provided at NYC plastic surgery centers are known for their effectiveness in improving the neck line. A sharp neck signifies youthfulness and this is what many men and women strive to achieve. There is an increasing tendency for fat to accumulate in the submental region making you look older than you actually are. The procedures mentioned at the outset are great treatment solutions for double chin and “turkey neck,” and will provide you with a firmer, smoother and more defined jaw line.

The actual concerns of individuals that approach a plastic surgeon for a neck contouring procedure can vary. When some people desire to reshape a full chin, others may be looking to get rid of the sagging “turkey neck.” A good surgeon would carefully study your condition and requirements and recommend the procedure most suitable in your case.

Neck liposuction is recommended if you are looking for a treatment for “neck fullness,” a double chin, and have good skin quality and minimal laxity. Small incisions are made in the treatment area through which a cannula carrying a laser fiber is inserted beneath the skin to melt the fat deposits. The melted fat is sucked out safely. The results obtained are usually dramatic and patients are satisfied with the outcome.

This procedure can be performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Those with a good skin tone can experience optimal results as the skin would contract smoothly and evenly after liposuction. Recovery is quick with patients often going back to work within a week.

More than just excess fat, if the concern is sagginess, you may be advised a Neck Lift procedure. Small incisions are made behind each ear and one underneath the chin. The excess fat and sagging skin are removed and the neck muscles and underlying tissues are tightened. The end result would be a smoother, firmer, and more youthful appearance to the neck. Those who are concerned about their “turkey neck” will find this treatment very effective.

If your aesthetic concern is platysmal bands in the middle of the neck, the plastic surgeon may advise submentoplasty with or without liposuction. This is ideal if you do not have too much extra skin in the neck area. A small incision is made underneath the chin and the muscle bands are drawn together with the use of sutures. This surgery is provided on an outpatient basis, and recovery period is usually 1 – 2 weeks.

Find a reliable plastic surgeon in NYC if you are looking for neck liposuction or other aesthetic procedures for the neck. The surgeon would study your actual concerns and offer an individualized treatment plan. At established plastic surgery practices, the surgeons may recommend a combination treatment of neck contouring and facial procedures for a better and natural-looking outcome.