Study Evaluates Effects of Facial Rejuvenation Surgery on Personality Traits

Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

The desire to look more attractive and youthful is universal and that’s why facelift surgery has become such a popular option. The procedure can improve the signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging and result in a more youthful, well-defined facial contour. Recent surveys have shown that social media, the selfie trend, workplace competition … Read More about Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Study: Innovative 3D Imaging Helps Measure the Effectiveness of Injectable Wrinkle Reducers

3D Imaging

Injectable wrinkle reducers such as Botox and Dysport have introduced a new era of non-invasive facial rejuvenation possibilities. People opt for these safe procedures to reduce wrinkles and restore youthfulness to the treated area. Injectable fillers reduce or improve the appearance of wrinkles by relaxing the muscles responsible for their development. According to a new … Read More about Innovative 3D Imaging