Debunking Some Common Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss MythsObesity and overweight are common problems, affecting millions of people in many countries across the world. A rising awareness of the health issues that can result from being overweight as well as the desire to improve their physical appearance has led to people setting lofty weight loss goals. Weight loss strategies abound. However, losing weight is not easy. There are many common misconceptions about weight loss and knowing the facts will help you achieve your goals more easily.

  • Starving can help you lose weight fast: Crash diets are not long-term solution. For some people with obesity, a carefully supervised low-calorie diet may temporarily reduce weight, but such diets can put stress on the body and increase the craving for high-fat and high-sugar foods to maintain energy, adding the pounds back on.
  • Older adults cannot lose weight: Age is not a barrier when it comes to losing weight. However, a healthy lifestyle when you are young would help maintain your ideal weight at the later stages of your life.
  • A radical exercise regime is necessary to achieve weight loss: A radical exercise regime may speed up the process, but it is not a mandatory factor. Regular exercise and physical activity are better than a rigorous exercise plan. Your goal must be to burn more calories than you consume.
  • Long-term weight is possible with slimming pills: This is not a solution for long-term weight loss. Choose a healthy, calorie conscious diet and exercise plan instead.
  • Carbohydrates can cause weight gain: Like any other food, excessive intake of carbohydrate can be fattening. Experts say that it’s how much you eat that matters and not whether your diet is high in fat or carbs.
  • Foods with a ‘low fat’ label are a healthy alternative: A ‘low fat’ label doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want of the food item. Sometimes, food that is low in fat may be high in sugar. So stick to eating in moderation.
  • Drinking water can help you lose weight: Water does not directly affect weight loss, but it can help in your efforts to shed pounds. Staying hydrated can help you avoid overeating and unhealthy snacking.
  • Skipping meals can make you lose weight: Skipping meals makes you tired and deprives you of proper nutrition. You are more likely to snack on high-fat and high-sugar foods to satisfy your cravings. This would lead to weight gain, not weight loss!

The key to successful weight loss is to reduce calorie intake and increase the amount of calories you burn through exercise. A judicious balance of these strategies will help you in your weight loss journey.