Consider These Tips to Ensure a Smooth Tummy Tuck Recovery

Tummy TuckTummy tuck surgery is a cosmetic procedure widely performed in NYC plastic surgery centers with good aesthetic outcomes. A recent American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) annual statistics report reveals that this treatment is the 5th most popular cosmetic procedure in terms of the number of individuals who performed it in 2015. It can effectively address a sagging abdomen providing a flat and toned tummy. The experience and expertise of the plastic surgeon and the advanced technologies used contribute a lot to achieving optimal outcomes. Just like the treatment phase, how you get through the recovery phase is really important to have an overall pleasing treatment experience. Here are some tips that can help you enjoy a smooth and comfortable recovery.

  • Have a good plan regarding how you will handle the recovery phase well ahead of the treatment day, and make your home recovery ready. You will have to restrain from most activities for some weeks. Ideally, have someone who can help you with household activities, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of your children among other things.
  • Wear a compression garment for the first few days to reduce swelling and prevent fluid accumulation. This will help you to heal faster and also have a positive impact on the outcome.
  • You may have to spend some time in your home until complete recovery. So be prepared to overcome the boredom with interesting books and magazines. You can also ask your friends or dear ones to come over when convenient.
  • Give importance to the hygiene of the surgical site and drains to avoid any possibility of infections. It is recommended to NOT take a shower. You may sponge bath your arms, legs, and face without removing the compression garment and ensure that the compression garment doesn’t get wet.
  • Make sure to maintain contact with your surgeon and nursing team. Clear any concerns you have via phone and immediately visit the plastic surgeon if anything unusual occurs. Being in close contact with the nursing team would make you feel comfortable and confident.
  • Take your medications on time and all that you consume during the recovery period should be with the advice of the surgeon.
  • It is very important to be patient during the recovery phase. Strictly follow the surgeon’s instructions and don’t rush into normal activities until after complete recovery. Rest is necessary because it will help your body to recover fast.
  • Watching your diet is imperative. See that you eat a balanced diet and keep yourself hydrated all the time. Avoid habits such as smoking during the recovery phase to speed up healing.
  • You may experience emotional ups and downs during the period and so be prepared to face it. It would be good if you can meditate or practice yoga ahead of the procedure to make your mind relaxed.

Keep all these tips in mind during your tummy tuck recovery phase. Have an experienced plastic surgeon in NYC perform the procedure for you. He/she would offer you personalized solutions as well as recommendations on how to handle your recovery.