bodySCULPT® Offering High Definition Liposuction with FDA-approved BodyTite Device

High Definition Liposuction

For those looking for an easy way to get rid of excess body fat quickly and safely, BodyTiteâ„¢ liposuction at bodySCULPT® would be the ideal option. Plastic surgeons at this Manhattan-based AAAASF-accredited facility are highly trained and experienced in using the FDA-cleared BodyTite device. They focus on providing a professional, individualized approach for each patient …Read More about High Definition Liposuction

Radiofrequency-Assisted Liposuction Emerges As a Better Alternative to Aggressive Liposuction

Radiofrequency-Assisted Liposuction

Arm liposuction is a fast, effective and minimally invasive way to make your arms look svelte. Individuals who have excess fat in the upper arm area that is resistant to diet and exercise can undergo arm liposuction to achieve excellent aesthetic results. A study comparing radiofrequency assisted liposuction and aggressive superficial liposuction of the arms … Read More about Radiofrequency-Assisted Liposuction