Simple Strategies to Prevent Back Pain

Back PainBack pain is one of the most common health concerns among people of all ages. It can be acute or chronic and limit your daily activities. Injuries and certain medical conditions can cause back pain. However, as the most common reasons for the condition are a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, carrying heavy loads, and being overweight, making a few simple lifestyle changes can help prevent back pain:

  • Extra pounds in the midsection can cause back pain as it puts strain on the lower back. Watch your diet and stay within 10 pounds of your ideal weight.
  • Once people start feeling back pain, they tend to limit their activities and take rest. Actually, the best strategy in these circumstances is to remain active and get more exercise. Physical activity can help ease inflammation and muscle tension.
  • If you smoke, quit the habit. Smoking can restrict the flow of nutrient-containing blood to spinal discs.
  • Your sleeping position can be a key factor for the back pain. If you sleep on your back, put a pillow under your knees and lower back. Sleeping on your side with your knees pulled up slightly toward your chest is also a recommended position.
  • Eating it right is important. Maintaining good eating habits helps you maintain a healthy weight and not put unnecessary stress on your body.
  • Many people spend long hours in front of computer and poor posture such as slouching can lead to back pain. Sit up straight and maintain proper posture when you are working on your PC. Also take short breaks in between and avoid continuous sitting for hours at a stretch.
  • Handling lifting tasks the wrong way is a common reason for a back ache. Learn the right way to lift objects. If something is too heavy for you, don’t try to lift it.
  • Stress can impact back health. It tenses your muscles and constant tension leads to back pain. Yoga, meditation, and tai chi are good stress busting activities.

These simple strategies can go a long way in improving your general health too. However, if you do develop back pain and it persists for more than three months, you should consult your doctor to rule out a medical problem.