Tips for Beautiful, Healthy Skin in Summer

Healthy Skin in SummerSummer is fast approaching, so it’s important to take steps to protect your skin. The heat and humidity can cause a variety of skincare woes such as acne, sun tan and other problems. Though getting some sunlight will help in vitamin D absorption, overexposure to the sun’s rays is bad for your skin. Making a few changes in your skin care regimen can help keep your skin looking fresh and healthy.

  • Use sunscreen: The most important tip to follow is shielding your skin with sunscreen. Do not step out in the sun without applying sunscreen. Doing so will protect your skin from harmful UV rays, prevent premature aging, lower the risk of sunscreen, and prevent sunburn. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before to stepping out and reapply it every two to three hours if you’re exposed to the sun. Choose the right product based on your skin type.
  • Stay hydrated: It’s very important to hydrate your body throughout the day, both internally and externally. Drinking lots of water will keep your body temperature as cool as possible and ensure that you’re hydrated internally. Water also helps flush out toxins from the body and prevents dehydration. Your skin also needs to be hydrated externally as well, and for that, splash plain water on your face at least 3 to 4 times a day. Using a good toner will refresh your skin by restoring its pH balance and help close the pores, reducing the penetration of impurities and environmental contaminants into the skin.
  • Don’t neglect your lips and eyes: Moisturize your lips using lip balm with SPF. Wear sunglasses when you go outdoors to protect your eyes and wear a hat with a wide brim to protect your face and head.
  • Moisturize: Whether its winter or summer, moisturizing your skin is important. Apply a light moisturizer before bedtime.
  • Treat sun damage: If you happen to get sunburn, take a cool shower immediately and apply a cool compress or aloe vera gel to soothe the skin. If there are other symptoms like facial swelling, nausea, fever or chills, rapid pulse, rapid breathing, dizziness or signs of skin infection, get immediate medical help.
  • Healthy eating: Avoid processed and junk food as it can aggravate skin concerns. Instead, eat more fruits and vegetables that can provide needed nutrients, minerals, vitamins to keep your skin glowing. As a HUFFPOST article points out, “Diet influences skin at the cellular level, and since skin is our largest organ, it’s also the first to show nutrient deficiency.”

Follow these tips and enjoy summer without fear of damaging your skin.