Can an Overweight Patient Undergo BodyTite Liposuction?

Many men and women want to have perfectly shaped bodies and look as youthful as possible. They opt to have liposuction when rigorous diets and exercise fail to provide the desired results. Today, advancements in technology have made things much easier and leading plastic surgeons perform body contouring in NYC using safe and efficient minimally-invasive modalities such as BodyTite.

BodyTite LiposuctionA popular option, BodyTite is a superior radiofrequency technology that helps eliminate fat and tightens the skin at the same time. It is an ideal choice for healthy people who are close to their ideal weight. Nevertheless, on the RealSelf forum, a patient who is overweight wanted plastic surgeons’ advice on whether she could have BodyTite liposuction. She had some specific concerns: she was 25 pounds over her usual weight, had delivered her second baby 17 months ago, and had not been able lose weight for 10 months. As she considered her current weight to be “stable”, she asked if she could have BodyTite to remove fat from the abdomen and hips and then work out afterwards. Her concern was whether this would cause weight loss in “weird areas”.

An expert surgeon replied that there is no reason why she should not have BodyTite as patients often have this procedure done as a jump start to getting in better shape. The procedure gives them instant satisfaction and motivates them to start working out and losing weight. The surgeon also reminds her that BodyTite is not a weight loss procedure in itself. It is more effective for patients who are close to their ideal weight, especially if they have visceral fat – fat under the muscle surrounding the organs of the body. The best results are seen in patients who not have BodyTite but also maintain an overall healthy lifestyle to further the effects that the procedure provides.

Over the last decade, numerous devices aimed at non-surgical fat removal have entered the cosmetic surgery market. BodyTite liposuction surgery uses an FDA-approved RFAL (Radiofrequency-Assisted Liposuction) device to liquefy subcutaneous fat, coagulate the blood vessels and tighten the skin in a single process. Surgical trauma is minimal, and patients can resume normal activities within a few days. Recovery after RFAL is usually far quicker and less uncomfortable than with traditional liposuction. This minimally invasive cosmetic procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and gives you the look you want without going under the knife. Maintaining a consistently healthy diet and exercise routine would help results last for years.

Leading practices that provide body sculpting in New York City offer BodyTite liposuction. If you think the procedure can address your concerns, schedule an in-person consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. An expert surgeon will evaluate your considerations and if you are found to be a good candidate for the treatment, help you achieve your cosmetic goals.