Certain Criteria That Determine Your Candidature for VASER Lipo

VASER LipoMany people desire a healthy body with toned and contoured arms, well-defined abs and an overall athletic physique. To achieve that body, they try hard by dieting and exercising, which may help them lose weight. However, sometimes, excess and stubborn fat pockets won’t go away with these methods, and in such cases, a body contouring option such as liposuction can be a great choice. Conventional liposuction surgery is invasive, involves more downtime and may result in more bruising and swelling in the treated area. But now, advancements in the field of plastic surgery have introduced minimally invasive and safe treatments that come with reduced downtime, shorter recovery, and faster results. VASER Lipo in NYC is one such minimally invasive procedure that removes excess fat from your body. Experienced plastic surgeons provide this cosmetic surgery at select plastic surgery practices in New York.

VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This minimally-invasive liposuction procedure uses ultrasound technology to gently reshape your body. The procedure removes stubborn fat safely and efficiently from areas such as the abdomen, back, breasts, buttocks, face, flanks, hips, neck, knees and upper arms. VASER liquefies the unwanted fat while leaving all other important tissues (nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues) intact, resulting in significant results with minimal damage to surrounding tissue. It also tightens the skin, providing smoother results compared to conventional lipo. Another procedure, VASER hi def liposuction in NYC, involves removing fat around the muscle groups under the skin to result in a well-defined six-pack or an athletic, sculpted look.

But can just anyone be a candidate for this procedure?

The idea and technology may seem appealing to many who are in search of safe and efficient body contouring procedures. But there are certain considerations that determine one’s candidature for VASER Lipo. Those aspects or criteria are listed below:

  • Weight: Ideally, VASER Lipo candidates should be within 30% of their ideal weight. This is because it is not safe to remove bulk amounts of fat in one treatment; so, if you weigh more than 30% of your target weight then it is advisable to consider other treatment options.
  • Skin Condition: For a successful procedure, you should have good skin elasticity, because the likelihood of skin sagging is much less.
  • Muscle Tone: Experienced plastic surgeons often recommend that (though not necessary) it’s better to start to tone your muscles before you have a VASER, so that you’ll experience maximum results post-op.
  • Smoking: It is said that the best surgical patients are non-smokers. So quitting smoking prior to your procedure is very important, or else you may not be a candidate for VASER Lipo. Plastic surgeons advise their patients to stop smoking prior to and after their liposuction procedure since not doing so will have a negative impact. Smoking can reduce the oxygen content in your blood. The oxygen levels in your blood is very important because it helps your body to survive and perform its normal functions. Lack of oxygen would reduce the body’s capacity to heal and this would lead to delayed recovery. This is especially important when you have plastic surgery because it could lead to death of tissue and skin due to the lack of oxygen.
    So,it is best to try and quit smoking before surgery, or at least just for the months before and after surgery.
  • Alcohol: A person who drinks heavily is not a good candidate as drinking in excess can also impair recovery and increase the risk of complications.
  • Health: Apart from body weight and other factors, one major criterion a VASER lipo patient should meet is good health. You must be in relatively good health without any serious illness or other medical conditions that may prevent you from healing in future. If you suffer from any medical condition or are taking any medicine, inform your plastic surgeon about it, so that your doctor can take you through your options with regard to liposuction. However, health checks will be carried out by your surgeon prior to the procedure to rule out the existence of prior health conditions or illnesses that could prevent you from healing effectively.
  • Realistic Expectations: Another important factor is having realistic expectations about the results. You should be well aware of the outcomes and should not compare it with any other individual, as each person is unique. Having an open discussion with your surgeon is important so that he/she will let you know what to expect during the procedure itself, during the recovery time and regarding your final results too.

This procedure has been used extensively by physicians across the globe to deliver significant clinical results. Like any other body contouring procedure, VASER also comes with some potential risk which can be minimized if it is performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. Choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery for VASER Lipo in NYC, because such practices provide the service of skilled and experienced plastic surgeons.