Common Aesthetic Concerns Driving Demand for Cosmetic Surgical Procedures

More and more people are becoming aware that cosmetic surgical procedures can effectively address several common aesthetic issues. While some men and women fret over flaws in specific features, others worry about visible signs of aging. Some people may be looking to improve specific spots and others to enhance overall appearance.

Major Aesthetic Concerns Fuelling the Demand for Cosmetic Surgery

Let’s look at some of the most common aesthetic concerns and the procedures available to address them.

  • Drooping and tired looking eyes are a major concern among many men and women. This can occur due to aging or stress caused by overwork. Eyelid surgery provides the solution. The procedure removes excess fat and skin from the eyelids and rejuvenates the area around the eyes.
  • A protruding belly can make a person look unhealthy and unattractive. A combined technique of tummy tuck and liposuction can help remove excess fat and skin and strengthen the abdomen muscles to provide a lean, fit look.
  • A turkey neck is an issue affecting people who have passed middle age, making them look older than they actually are. A neck lift involves removing excess skin in the area and contouring it to provide a more youthful look. If other facial features also show signs of aging, a face lift can be performed to improve overall appearance.
  • Flabby arms are a major concern which cannot be resolved even with rigorous workouts and diets. Arm liposuction or an arm lift can help remove the excess fat and skin and result in slimmer, well-toned arms.
  • When it comes to the breasts, the common issues that women face include loss of volume, sagging and asymmetry. Breast augmentation surgery improves breast size and shape, while a breast lift can resolve sagging. On the other hand, if the issue is overly large size, breast reduction can be performed to remove excess fat and skin from the area and improve proportion with the rest of body. This surgery is also the solution for men with gynecomastia as it provides a well-contoured chest.
  • Stubborn pockets of fat deposits in diverse body areas such as thighs, back and arms are a major obstacle among men and women seeking to achieve a trim, smooth, well-contoured body. Liposuction removes this fat safely and gently and provides a slimmer and more youthful body contour.

Advancements in the technologies are allowing plastic surgeons to provide optimal results and meet patient expectations to the best of their ability.