6 Reasons Why The Holiday Season Is Ideal For Plastic Surgery

Is there a special “season” or “perfect time” to have plastic surgery? Well, though there is no hard and fast rule on the best time to get a procedure, doing so during the holiday season comes with a number of benefits. For most people, the holidays count as vacation time to take a break and enjoy family get-togethers, holiday parties and the festivities leading up to the New Year celebrations. But if you are considering plastic surgery in New York City, you should know that the holiday season is the ideal because it will give you time to heal and recover from your procedure. Here are 6 reasons why people prefer to have plastic surgery during the holiday season:

Plastic Surgery

  1. Time Off Work: If you lead a busy professional life, then holiday season is an ideal time for considering plastic surgery. You get time off from work with holidays such as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day. You can take advantage of this free time to get your procedure without losing out on income for the days off that you might need for the downtime associated with your procedure. Moreover, if you want to keep your cosmetic procedure private, then the holidays are certainly an optimal time to schedule your surgery. You can also return to the office looking relaxed, refreshed, and fantastic.
  2. Availability Of Family And Friends To Assist With Recovery: Having your plastic surgery procedure during the holidays will not only give you the time you need to heal without taking days off from work, but will also allow you to get support from your family and friends. As they may also have time off, they will be able to help you with your recovery.
  3. Indoor Recovery With Much Comfort: Many people get plastic surgery during the winter holidays because they want to flaunt their new body in summer. After a plastic surgery procedure – invasive or minimally invasive – you need time to rest and recover from the procedure as instructed by your plastic surgeon. This is important to achieve optimal results. Proper rest and recovery are crucial because there are many risks involved with not allowing your body to recuperate from the discomfort that plastic surgery can bring. Getting plastic surgery during the holidays allows you to recover in the safety and comfort of your home.
  4. Less Contact with Sun: During the holidays, you can stay indoors and avoid contact with sun. Exposure to harmful UVA and UVB rays can damage your skin and also affect the healing of surgical scars badly. UV exposure can cause the skin around incision sites to darken and also lead to significant complications to skin that has just been treated with deep laser resurfacing. If you have plastic surgery procedures in summer, you’ll need to completely cover the incision sites with clothing and SPF at all times. Having plastic surgery in the holiday season allows you to easily avoid the sun.
  5. Keep Incision Sites Covered: The cooler temperatures also allow you to dress in more layers of clothing comfortably and hide your incisions and scars as you heal. This is beneficial for those who prefer to be private about their procedure. Dressing in large cozy sweaters will conceal the temporary swelling of liposuction, tummy tuck or breast augmentation. Similarly, hats and scarves can mask some of the visible scars of facial procedures.
  6. Welcome the New Year with A New Look: Many people want to celebrate the New Year with a new look. Getting a rejuvenating cosmetic treatment is an ideal way to achieve this goal. By undergoing plastic surgery during this holiday season, you can feel better about yourself and welcome the New Year with a lot of confidence. Gifting yourself the right to look and feel good for the New Year can genuinely feel like a new beginning not only physically, but also mentally. However, you should have realistic expectations about the outcome.

So, if you are looking to get plastic surgery in NYC but consider the downtime necessary for recovery as an obstacle, plan your procedure during the holiday season. In fact, as this is a plastic surgeon’s busiest time of the year, plan and schedule your procedure ahead.