Abdominal Etching: What Does The Procedure Involve?

Many people find that even hours in the gym and rigorous dieting cannot help them achieve the trim, well-toned waistline and abdomen they want. Abdominal etching, one of the best procedure for body sculpting in New York provides the solution. The procedure is a special liposuction technique designed to address abdominal fat and create chiseled abs or a “washboard stomach”. It is a safe and effective option for men and women who want to achieve ideal abdomen contouring results.

Abdominal Etching

Abdominal etching in New York is a feasible option for those who want a sculpted body with excellent muscle definition but cannot achieve it with even with a rigorous diet and exercise regimen. NYC plastic surgeons perform abdominal etching using minimally-invasive power-assisted liposuction modalities such as Smartlipo Triplex, VASER Lipo and BodyTite. These modalities are designed to effective removal of abdominal fat in both the superficial and deeper layers and sculpt the waist and abdomen to provide natural “six-pack” lines in men and a chiseled but softer look in women.

The procedure begins with the surgeon marking the areas to be sculpted and enhanced and administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment sites. Small incisions are made in the naval or the natural creases of the abdomen (in a way that they remain unnoticeable) to insert the energy assisted cannula of the liposuction device. The energy delivered melts the fat so that it can be easily removed. The surgeon will then sculpt your body in a way that your ab muscles look much more prominent. The procedure enhances the underlying musculature and tightens the skin, while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. Skilled surgeons can provide customized results to meet the patient’s preferences.

The time taken to complete the procedure depends on the experience of the plastic surgeon and technique used. When performed as an outpatient procedure, abdominal etching usually takes only an hour to complete. Most patients can get back to their normal activities in 24-48 hours. Though the procedure is minimally-invasive, minor swelling should be expected, which is completely normal and will subside soon. To reduce bleeding and swelling, and minimize the fluid accumulation that can occur in the body after surgery, your surgeon may recommend of wearing a compression garment for few weeks post-op.

Before the procedure, patients should inform their surgeon about all medications they take on a regular basis, including dietary supplements, avoid smoking and avoid certain over-the-counter medications in the weeks before and after the surgery.

A form of advanced or 3-D liposuction, abdominal etching provides good results for the right candidate – men and women who have a moderate amount of abdominal fat and strong underlying muscles – which means the results are extremely specific. Final results will become visible within six months after the procedure or after the body has completely healed. You should have realistic expectations as results may vary based on individual considerations. Candidates who have had tummy tuck surgery or liposuction can consider abdominal etching in order to really make their abs stand out and achieve a fitter and more chiseled appearance.

If you are considering abdominal etching in NYC, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that offers this body sculpting procedure using the latest technologies. An experienced surgeon can provide customized treatment with attractive outcomes to meet patient goals. Maintaining a proper dietary and exercise regimen is essential to preserve your results.

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