Am I A Good Candidate For Hip Dip Surgery?

Are you unhappy with your hip dips or violin hips – those indents along the side of the body, just below the hip bone? The good news is hip dip surgery in NYC can address this concern and provide you with a smooth ‘hourglass’ silhouette.

Hip Dip Surgery

Though violin hips are not a medical condition, many people are having hip dip surgery to correct them and achieve a toned look. Like the Brazilian butt lift procedure, hip dip surgery is a combination of two procedures: liposuction and fat transfer to hips, where fat grafts are placed in a way as to fill out the indentations and provide a smoother, more streamlined shape. In NYC plastic surgery practices, hip dip surgery is performed using a minimally-invasive technique that requires only local anesthesia. Though the procedure is minimally-invasive, not everyone is a good candidate for hip dips surgery. Your candidacy for this procedure would depend on whether you meet the following criteria:

  • Are over the age of 20
  • Are within 30% of your ideal body weight
  • Do not smoke
  • Have good skin elasticity
  • Are in good health
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome

Candidates should inform their surgeon about any medications that they’re currently taking, especially blood thinners.

Hip dips surgery is not recommended for people who:

  • Have a history of bleeding or autoimmune disorders
  • Lost 25 pounds or more recently
  • Have been diagnosed with an eating disorder or other conditions that cause body dysmorphia

Similar to any other surgical procedure, patients might experience side effects such as swelling and bruising post hip dip surgery, which will subside in few weeks (depending on the sensitivity of your skin). To heal quickly, follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, which would include refraining from exercise and not entering pools, saunas, and hot tubs for some time, and keeping the treatment site clean and dry. It generally takes at least 3 months or longer to see the final results of the procedure.

If you are  considering hip dips surgery in NYC, schedule a consultation in an AAAASF-credited plastic surgery practice that offers the services of surgeons who are experts in liposuction and fat transfer. Skilled surgeons will provide proper guidance on what to expect as well as customized treatment to help you achieve the best results. In an accredited practice, surgeons and staff would be focused on patient comfort and safety and will provide the necessary support, right from the initial consultation through treatment and recovery.