Are You a Good Candidate for a Scarless Breast Lift?

Good Candidate for a Scarless Breast LiftEvery woman wants firm, shapely, attractive breasts. However, aging, pregnancy, gravity and other factors can cause the breasts to lose volume and sag. Today, many women turn to cosmetic surgery to address these concerns. Breast lift surgery or mastopexy eliminates excess skin and tissue and resolves droopiness, and elevates the breasts to an aesthetically pleasing position. However, a traditional breast lift involves incisions and scarring, which makes most women hesitant to go ahead with the procedure. Fortunately, skilled plastic surgeons have come up with a novel minimally-invasive technique that involves no scars. The advanced scarless breast lift in NYC corrects saggy breasts without leaving any scars behind.

The scarless breast lift is performed using BodyTite™, an FDA-approved device that uses Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) technology. This minimally invasive “Perky Breast Lift” tightens, reshapes, and lifts the breasts without the scarring associated with a surgical breast lift. The highlight of the treatment is that it gives you immediate, natural-looking results with minimal risk and downtime. This radiofrequency assisted procedure provides immediate skin tightening benefits and produces attractive outcomes. The system also stimulates the production of subsurface collagen fiber and improves skin structure.

Although the procedure is relatively simple, not every woman is a suitable candidate. A good candidate for a scarless breast lift in NYC would need to meet the following criteria:

  • Wants to restore breast shape after pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Is in good general health
  • Have relatively small breasts with mild to moderate sagging that need only a small amount of lift and/or nipple elevation.
  • Have stretched skin and enlarged areolas
  • Have breasts that are pendulous or have a flat, elongated shape
  • Have asymmetrical or unusually shaped breasts
  • Has not had or does not currently have breast implants
  • Wishes to avoid a traditional breast lift and scarring
  • Does not have a history of breast cancer or prior breast radiation
  • Has realistic expectations about the outcome
  • Does not smoke

A breast lift does not significantly change the size of your breasts or round out the upper part of your breast. Rather, it addresses sagging breasts and provides a more proportionate and youthful-looking bust line. Women want fuller breasts and also resolve sagging can consider New York City breast augmentation along with their breast lift. Likewise, women seeking smaller breasts can consider breast reduction surgery in conjunction with the lift.

Breast lift is one of most popular cosmetic surgical procedures for women. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports that a total of 109,638 breast lift procedures were performed in 2018, a 4% percent increase from 2017.

Performed by skilled surgeons in AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices, the scarless breast lift in NYC requires only local anesthesia. Most patients resume their normal day to day activities soon after the procedure, but strenuous exercises or tasks should be avoided for the first week. Leading practices are equipped with advanced 3D imaging technology which allows patients to visualize the outcomes of their procedure. This option allows patients to take an informed decisions and the surgeon to plan the procedure to provide the best results.