Can You Have a Tummy Tuck and BBL at the Same Time?

Tummy tuck and BBL surgery – this simultaneous approach allows plastic surgeons to address patient concerns such as excess abdominal skin and achieve a sculpted midsection while enhancing their curves with fuller and lifted buttocks. Opting for both procedures could provide a more holistic transformation, giving women the opportunity to achieve their desired body shape. However, surgeons may advise an interval between the two procedures to make recovery uncomplicated and smooth.

Tummy Tuck and BBL

First, let us consider abdominoplasty.

An abdominoplasty, sometimes known as a “tummy tuck,” is a cosmetic surgical procedure meant to enhance the appearance of the abdominal region. In certain instances, it entails tightening the abdominal muscles in addition to eliminating extra skin and fat. You can undergo tummy tuck surgery in Manhattan-based plastic surgery facilities.

 Pros and Cons of Tummy Tuck


  • Better Abdominal Contour: By eliminating extra skin and fat from the abdomen, a tummy tuck can give the area a flatter, more toned appearance.
  • Muscle Tightening: A tummy tuck can include muscle repair for people with diastasis recti, a weakening or separating of the abdominal muscles, which helps to create a more defined and taut midsection.
  • Enhanced Self-esteem: Following a successful stomach tuck procedure, many people report feeling more confident and satisfied with their body image.
  • Correction of Pregnancy-related Changes: To regain a more youthful appearance, women who have had children may find that a stomach tuck helps to address changes in the abdominal region, such as stretched skin and muscle separation.
  • Stretch Mark Removal: Although it’s not the main goal, a stomach tuck may occasionally involve the removal of stretch marks, especially those on the lower abdomen.


  • Surgical Risks: Tummy tuck Manhattan entails certain risks, such as infection, bleeding, and anesthesia-related side effects, just like any other surgery.
  • Scarring: The lower abdomen is usually the site of a permanent scar left by the surgery. Depending on the extent of the surgery and personal healing variables, the scar’s length and visibility may change.
  • Recuperation Period: A stomach tuck recovery might last for a few weeks. During the early healing phase, patients might need to take time off work and refrain from physically demanding activities.
  • Temporary Discomfort: Patients may need to take pain medication during this period as pain and discomfort are common in the days and weeks following the procedure.
  • Limited Weight Loss: Losing weight is not the goal of a stomach tuck. It eliminates extra skin and fat, but it doesn’t replace a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet.
  • Cost: The price of a stomach tuck can vary depending on a number of factors, including the surgeon’s experience level, the patient’s location, and the complexity of the procedure.

Tummy Tuck

Take the first step towards a comprehensive body makeover! Contact us now to learn more about the benefits of combining a tummy tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift

Call 1-800-282-7285 now!

A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves liposuction to remove excess fat from areas of the body, which is then purified and injected into the buttocks to enhance their shape and size.

 Pros and Cons of Brazilian Butt Lift


  • Enhanced Butt Shape: The main objective of a Brazilian Butt Lift is to give the buttocks a more pronounced, youthful shape and size.
  • Natural Feel and Look: Compared to buttock implants, the results of this procedure may seem and feel more natural because the patient’s own fat is used.
  • Dual Benefit of Liposuction: it can be used to contour the body in areas like the thighs, flanks, and abdomen by harvesting fat for augmentation.
  • Decreased Risk of Infection or Rejection: Compared to synthetic implants, there is a lower risk of infection or rejection because the procedure uses the patient’s own fat cells.
  • Minimally Invasive: Compared to a traditional buttock augmentation with implants, a Brazilian Butt Lift is thought to be less invasive, despite still requiring surgery.


  • Surgical Risks: Risks associated with surgery are normal and include bleeding, infection, and anesthesia-related side effects.
  • Fat Absorption: It’s possible that some of the transferred fat will survive and be absorbed by the body. This implies that the entire outcome might not become visible until after the initial healing phase.
  • Need for Multiple Sessions: In certain situations, getting the desired results might necessitate more than one fat grafting session, which would raise the total cost and lengthen the healing period.
  • Time Needed for Recovery: Following a Brazilian Butt Lift, recovery may take several weeks. For a while, patients might need to refrain from sitting directly on their buttocks in order to promote healing.
  • Cost: The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure can be costly, and the final cost will depend on a number of factors, including the surgeon’s experience level, geographic location, and the complexity of the procedure.
  • Restraints on Size Increase: A Brazilian Butt Lift may not be enough for people hoping to see a noticeable increase in buttock size because of restrictions on the amount of fat that can be safely transferred.

Brazilian Butt Lift

What If Tummy Tuck and BBL Surgery Are Combined?

A dual procedure may be a good option for you if you are in good health and do not have any significant risk factors for surgery. It is crucial to bear in mind that additional incisions and work will be necessary to tighten the abdominal walls and complete the tummy tuck after the fat is extracted through liposuction and transferred to the buttocks during the Brazilian butt lift procedure. Among other things, this implies a longer recovery period.

Following a BBL and stomach tuck, you should adhere to all of your doctor’s recovery instructions, which may include getting plenty of rest, avoiding particular positions and activities, and other advice.

It would be best if for the prescribed recovery period, you can stay off from work, and have somebody to take care of the kids and run errands. Do not engage in any other physically demanding activities. You might require less recovery time if you are well and recover quickly.

Finding a surgeon with experience and a license is crucial to benefit from the best results.

Consider their experience with Brazilian butt lift procedures in particular, in addition to the other procedures they provide, such as breast augmentation or tummy tuck. To get a well-rounded outcome, you’ll want a surgeon who can handle all the work you need done.

Talk with the surgeon and learn about his/her experience and qualifications. Inquire and gather as much information as you can to help you decide whether this procedure is good for you.

The choice of anesthesia is important for longer procedures; you should choose a reputable cosmetic surgeon who has a board-certified anesthesiologist to perform the procedure. Longer procedures can be performed with less risk if you have anesthesia, but this again depends on your unique situation and other health-related factors. Consult your surgeon to determine which course of action is best for you.

For approximately 4-6 weeks following a Brazilian buttocks lift, you are not allowed to sit or lie down directly on your buttocks. At the same time, you cannot lie down on your stomach for at least 4-6 weeks following a tummy tuck procedure. The difficult part of the recovery process is having to lie down in bed and keep your buttocks elevated at all times. When these procedures are undergone together, recovery could be more challenging.

People who don’t choose to have dual procedures are typically advised to have a BBL first because it necessitates removing fat from other parts of the body. Patients may need to gain weight or postpone having their BBL until there is extra fat available for use if the tummy tuck is performed first because there might not be a body site to obtain fat for the procedure.

Every patient will have a case-by-case discussion of relevant factors, and the surgeon will offer his/her professional opinion on what they believe is best. In addition to producing outstanding cosmetic results, combining one surgical procedure with another can be a great way to combine two recovery periods into one.

Patients may choose to combine BBL surgery in NYC with other body contouring procedures like breast augmentation, breast lift, or tummy tuck, depending on their specific needs. Plastic surgeons can now operate on a patient simultaneously for two procedures thanks to advancements in the field. However, based on various factors like the procedures being done, the length of the operation, and your age/health, it might be necessary to do separate procedures. For example, a patient may experience specific positioning issues during their recovery after undergoing both BBL and a tummy tuck. One surgery’s recovery posture would jeopardize the other surgery’s healing process. For approximately two weeks following BBL, patients are not allowed to lie flat on their buttocks in order to prevent damage to the fat graft. Following an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck, patients may experience post-operative nausea and vomiting. Furthermore, compared to other cosmetic procedures, combining these procedures carries a higher risk of deep vein thrombosis. Surgeons may advise staging tummy tuck and BBL surgery for these reasons.

A skilled plastic surgeon may also recommend having BBL performed in the initial phase, and then having a stomach tuck three months later to optimize the quantity of fat that can be transferred to the buttocks. BBL entails using liposuction to remove fat from the thighs, hips, and abdomen; the fat is then purified and reinjected into the buttocks. Surgeons that specialize in plastic surgery point out that less fat would be available for transfer if stomach tuck surgery was done first. It’s possible that some patients may not have enough fat in other places to support the BBL.

However, some other plastic surgery experts point out that in addition to BBL surgery in NYC, another fat grafting procedure might be possible. Fat grafting is a safe procedure that produces long-lasting, natural-looking results when used to enhance areas of the body that may lack volume, such as the hands, face, breasts, or buttocks. It is the best choice for enhancing gaunt and wrinkled facial areas, improving overall body contour, and producing longer-lasting results than temporary fillers. In some cases, local anaesthesia may be used during fat transfer to buttocks and lips. Butt and lip augmentation can be done concurrently because the process of removing fat and injecting it into another location is the same for any site.

The benefits of combining procedures include shorter recovery times overall and lower expenses for the operating room and anaesthesia. Your plastic surgeon will talk to you about your specific options and assist you in determining whether or not having multiple surgeries done at the same time is appropriate in your case.

If you’re thinking about getting Brazilian butt lift in NYC, make an appointment for a consultation with a plastic surgery practice that has been accredited by the AAAASF and employs highly skilled surgeons. Talk to the surgeon about your surgical plans and ask for their advice on the best course of action. A trustworthy surgeon will proceed with another procedure only after confirming that you are eligible for more than one BBL procedure.

Ready to transform your body and enhance both your midsection and buttocks simultaneously?

Schedule a consultation with our experienced plastic surgeon today!

Call 1-800-282-7285