Celebrate Women’s Healthy Weight Day on January 22

A healthy weight is not about being ‘thin’ (as many people wrongly believe) by restricting what you eat to lose weight. A healthy weight is your natural weight supported by healthy living with a wise diet, appropriate but enjoyable physical activity, efficient stress management, adequate sleep, and so on. In view of the importance of maintaining a healthy weight, we observe one day in the month of January every year as women’s healthy weight day. This year, the day falls on January 22, with healthy weight week from January 18-24. The aim is to promote healthy lifestyle habits among women and to honor American women of all sizes and to confirm that beauty, talent and love cannot be weighed.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that nearly a third of adults are obese, with the prevalence similar for men and women (about 36%). What’s most alarming is that number has nearly doubled in the last twenty years. It’s time to end those fad diets and understand the importance of healthy weight and healthy food habits that can promote weight loss. You should aim to optimize your health by improving your lifestyle. Eat wisely and make changes that can improve your health, and ensure that this is a routine part of your life.

A smart lifestyle with a healthy diet, regular exercise and stress management would help avoid obesity-related risks, diseases and conditions and improve your confidence and self-esteem. Enrolling in a weight loss program offered by a plastic surgery practice, for instance, is a good option. Supervised by medical experts, such programs are specifically designed to help individuals achieve their ideal body weight. If you are concerned about extra flab, you can opt to have a body contouring procedure such as a tummy tuck or liposuction surgery. Of course, maintaining a healthy weight is important to enjoy long-term results. At a established facility, you would benefit from clinical recommendations to help adjust, maintain or manage your weight and look and feel better.

Don’t give up on your weight management resolution. Set realistic goals – with professional help you can turn them into healthy habits that last a lifetime.