Dealing with Excess Skin after Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric SurgeryExcess skin is a common problem after bariatric surgery. Men and women may achieve the targeted weight loss a few months after the surgery, but many are disappointed with their appearance due to the sagging skin that remains. Getting rid of that excess skin is important not just for aesthetic reasons – it can cause rashes and chafing, leading to a lot of discomfort. While maintaining a proper exercise routine and a healthy diet can help, for many men and women this may not be sufficient to get rid of all the excess skin. This is where liposuction plays an important role.

After bariatric surgery, give your body time to recover and stabilize on its own. Skin elasticity is a key factor when you lose weight, including long it will take for your skin to tighten up afterwards. Plastic surgeons now provide effective body sculpting treatment using advanced technology that provides smoother contours by tightening lax skin. There are various types of procedures, each designed to address folds of excess skin and body tissue in specific areas.

  • For many people, the abdomen is the main area of concern. A tummy tuck is the recommended solution. The procedure removes the extra skin and tightens the muscles to make the entire stomach area look better and tighter.
  • The chest area is the next in the list. For women, a breast lift could provide the solution. The procedure involves removing excess skin and repositioning of nipples if needed. Men can get excessive chest tissues removed with gynecomastia treatment.
  • Saggy upper arms are another major concern after weight loss. Arm lift surgery is designed to resolve those batwings. The procedure gets rid of the hanging skin and trims and reshapes the arms.
  • Sagging skin in the face and neck is a common issue after dramatic weight loss. A face and neck lift can address eye bags, jowls and cheek pouches and result in a smoother, attractive facial appearance.

Plastic surgeons generally recommend staging these procedures. Body contouring after bariatric surgery can provide good results, though you should have realistic expectations. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle to enjoy optimal results. Quit smoking to enhance the outcome. To reduce wrinkles, dryness, and skin atrophy, include sufficient protein, fruit and vegetables in your diet. Drink plenty of water and healthy fluids. You can also try out toning exercises to firm the muscles and get your body back in shape.