Different Body Areas Where You Can Have Liposuction

Liposuction is an ideal way to reduce excess fat on different areas of your body that cannot be addressed with rigorous workouts or crash diets. Body contouring in Manhattan, NYC reshapes your physique and gives you the confidence to wear the clothes you want. This minimally invasive fat reduction procedure can be done using minimally-invasive technologies.

Minimally Invasive Liposuction Options

Plastic surgeons use the following minimally-invasive technology to perform liposuction procedure:

Laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex: This FDA-approved uses three different laser energy wavelengths (1064nm, 1320nm, and 1440nm) in single or blended mode to provide superior results.

Ultrasound-assisted VASERlipo: This technique uses ultrasound technology to contour the body. It protects tissues from damage while precisely targeting excess fat.

Radiofrequency-assisted BodyTITE: This advanced technology works on radiofrequency energy. Radiofrequency Assisted Lipo (RFAL) Tightening is a safe and gentle body contouring option.

Different parts of your body where a liposuction can be done


Liposuction can be done in different areas of the body at the same time. It can be also performed along with other cosmetic procedures. The different areas where you can get liposuction are listed below:

Upper Arms

Saggy upper arms occur due to fat buildup and loose skin occurs due to factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, hormonal changes and genetics. Liposuction tones this area by removing the excess fat and tightening the skin. BodyTite on arms NYC is a scarless procedure that can provide you with slimmer, shapely upper arms.


Oversized breasts can cause aesthetic and health concerns in women. Liposuction can reduce large breasts and result in a firm, proportionate shape. Gynecomastia treatment in Manhattan, NYC involves liposuction to remove the excess fat from the male chest and restore its natural shape.

Love Handles

The love handles, which include the waist and flanks, are common areas for liposuction. Most people find it difficult to get rid of excess fat in this area with just diet and exercise. Fortunately, liposuction can address this concern quite effectively and help you achieve a well-shaped midsection.


The hips are a major problem, especially for women. Liposuction can definitely be a proper solution that provides a well toned shape to your hips by removing excess fat deposits.

Upper and Lower Abdomen

The upper and lower abdomen is a popular area for liposuction. The upper abdomen is situated between your belly button and ribs and getting can help you attain a slim, toned shape. By removing the rolls of fat above the waistline – called a muffin top – liposuction  can flatten your stomach. Plastic surgeons may recommend a tummy tuck or lower body lift to improve outcomes.


The buttocks are an area where excess fat can accumulate, affecting your overall appearance. Hormones, age, pregnancy, and food patterns are some of the factors responsible for this problem. Liposuction can reduce fat deposits in the buttocks area and help you achieve a posterior that is proportionate to the rest of your body.

Inner and Outer Thighs

The inner and outer thighs are the common areas where many women have excess fat deposits. Stubborn thigh fat occurs due to factors like genetics, aging, gender, ethnicity, weight gain and poor diet. Getting thigh liposuction removes excess fat and results in slimmer, shapely thighs.

Lower Legs

The calves are a delicate area for liposuction. Your plastic surgeon may recommend reshaping the entire leg in order to provide natural looking results. It must be done carefully to avoid irregularities in appearance.

Benefits of Liposuction

  • Removes stubborn fat effectively and safely
  • May improve the appearance of cellulite.
  • Removal of excess fat may provide health benefits.
  • May boost confidence and self-esteem
  • Motivates people to start living a healthier life

However, keep in mind that weight gain can affect your outcomes. Liposuction can provide long-lasting results only if you follow a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise.

If you have plans to get a liposuction procedure, schedule a consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon in Manhattan, NYC. An expert will evaluate your goals and provide customized treatment to help you achieve them. It is also important to choose a reliable AAAASF-accredited practice for safe treatment and end-to-end care.