Do You Have To Wear A Compression Garment After BBL?

When it comes healing from a Brazilian butt lift in NYC, patients get many recommendations and post-care tips from their plastic surgeon. One important recommendation is wearing a compression garment post-op. But though they are advised to do so, many patients still ask is if it necessary. The answer to this question is YES! You must wear the compression garment as recommended after your Brazilian butt lift.

Compression Garment

Depending on a patient’s treatment and requirements, expert surgeons recommend wearing the compression garment for a certain time span. Whether invasive or minimally-invasive, all plastic surgery treatments require a healing period and a compression garment facilitates all aspects of the patient’s recovery.

Though the term “compression garment” makes you think of Spanx (with tight sleeves and leggings), it is unlike these garments. A compression garment is a close fitting elastic garment worn after a surgical procedure for facilitating faster recovery from a plastic surgery procedure. It helps reduce the amount of swelling and bruising post-surgery, improves drainage, eases discomfort by supporting the tissues, and also provides support to core muscles during the healing process.

Following BBL surgery in NYC, surgeons instruct their patients to wear a special compression garment or a binder for up to six weeks. This helps support the buttocks and the area from where fat was removed. It reduces the amount of swelling that a patient might experience post BBL, and help to minimize bruising and scarring, as the tightness of the garment will hold the skin together and allow it to heal optimally. The many medical benefits of wearing a compression garment are:

  • Limits the buildup of edema during the initial recovery phase
  • Helps in the retraction and shrinking of loose skin left behind after the procedure
  • Allows the circulation of blood and plasma evenly
  • Reduces the risk of seromas or hematomas
  • Holds bandages in place, reducing risk of infection and keeping the wound sterile in the early stages of recovery
  • Eases pain and discomfort
  • Reduces bleeding by applying pressure to the surgical sites
  • Supports contour and enhances the overall results
  • Provides stability and allows incisions to heal while limiting the extent of scarring
  • Helps the skin heal evenly and adjust naturally over the treatment site

When worn correctly, the compression garment increases blood circulation around the surgical site which, in turn, speeds healing, and flushes out harmful fluids. Moreover, if you sneeze or cough, the garment will protect and stabilize the surgical site.

The second week after Brazilian Butt Lift in NYC, patients are advised to continue to wear the garment for an additional 2 weeks while at home or at night, and can take it off when they go out. However, based on how the patient responds to compression, these recommendations may be modified. The length of time a patient might need to wear the compression garment would vary depending factors such as the amount of fat removed, the skin’s elasticity, how much loose skin there is, recovery progress, and the surgeon’s observations.

Overall, patients who wear the compression garment for the recommended time period experience a lower risk of post-surgical complications and also tend to be more satisfied with their BBL results.

The type of garment required will depend on the procedure, and you need to choose the right option specific to BBL. For instance, patients who are underwent liposuction and tummy tuck need a garment that will focus on the abdomen, while BBL patients need a longer garment that will support the buttocks without compressing the area. Also remember that while your compression garment must fit snugly, it should never be tight or uncomfortable. A good compression garment will fit the patient appropriately and will be comfortable. It should be stiff and stay in place, and not fold or roll up. Moreover, quality compression garments do not cause pain or itching.

In addition to BBL, NYC plastic surgeons usually recommend the use of compression garments following liposuction, tummy tuck and breast reduction surgery, and many other types of body contouring procedures as it helps your body to adapt to its new shape after a procedure. Improper post-surgical compression garments can restrict blood flow to the treated site, damage the transferred fat cells, and affect the healing process. So follow your plastic surgeon guidance on this matter.

If you are considering BBL surgery NYC, find an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility that provides the service of experienced plastic surgeons. At your consultation, your plastic surgeon will discuss everything related to the post-surgical phase, including the compression garment.

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