Does Chin Augmentation Improve the Jawline?

Every feature of the face has the power to either add to or reduce its general attractiveness. The size and form of your nose and chin have a significant impact on your facial profile. Any imperfection in any of the features could have a negative effect on your overall facial appearance. Chin augmentation in Manhattan helps to define the chin, enhance the look of your jawline and make you look more attractive.

Chin Augmentation

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By bringing your nose and chin into balance, a chin implant used for chin augmentation can improve your overall look. It adds size and shape to a recessed or small chin. It creates balance in the lower half of the face. Both men and women find a sharp jawline appealing. This is because it is a representation of wellness, vigor, and vitality. A chin implant can help minimize the appearance of a double chin and correct a recessed chin, in addition to enhancing and defining your neck and jawline. If you lack a naturally defined jaw from birth, a chin implant can correct this aesthetic concern.

Chin augmentation treatment can enhance the contour of your chin, neck, and jawline. You are a candidate for this procedure if you have issues such as a weak and receding chin, a double chin, a recessed jawbone, injuries that result in defects, or congenital disorders that result in imperfections.

How Is Chin Augmentation Performed?

Repositioning the chin bone to a more forward position or using an implant – a small, solid device made from a biocompatible substance (typically silicone) – are both options for chin augmentation. A weak or recessed chin can be strengthened with the placement of a custom-fit chin implant, and bone reduction surgery involves cutting the bone beneath the jaw and moving it to the desired position.

To reshape the chin, the chin implant is inserted beneath the skin. The operation is carried out under general anesthesia. The following steps are involved in chin implant surgery in Manhattan:

  • A pocket is made for the implants by raising the soft tissues along the front of the jawbone.
  • The implant is inserted through a small incision inside the mouth or right behind the chin crease.
  • After the device has been placed, it is secured with stitches.
  • When the incision is closed, the soft tissues are positioned to conceal the implant.

Chin Implant Recovery Process

The healing time following the chin implant procedure is not very long. Within a week, the majority of people can anticipate returning to their regular everyday schedule. When it comes to exercise and other strenuous activities, allow yourself about a month before returning to your regular schedule in full. Following the operation, you might feel some minor pain or discomfort. During the first few days, consuming painkillers and applying a cold compress may be helpful. By the one-month mark, the results of your chin implant should be obvious, but it takes about three months for the complete results to be visible.

Chin augmentation in Manhattan is an excellent option for both men and women.


  • Brings the chin into greater proportion with other facial features to enhance facial harmony.
  • Improves the appearance of a jawline that is weak or recessed.
  • Enhances the contour of the neck and jawline.
  • Improves the look of a chin that is full or “double” due to a small chin bone

If you wish to undergo chin augmentation, make sure to choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery. You can schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon in Manhattan who has expertise in facial cosmetic surgery.

Get a Sharp Jawline with Chin Augmentation

At bodySCULPT®, we have dedicated plastic surgeons and supporting clinical staff to provide minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries that give natural-looking outcomes. Our plastic surgery procedures are customized to meet each patient’s requirements and preferences. To schedule your appointment, contact us at 1-800-282-7285.