Enhance Your Body Image with Innovative Body Sculpting Procedures

Body Sculpting ProceduresIn today’s world many men and women are eager to obtain a slim and trim body shape. Gaining excess weight is something most of us dread. However, with lifestyles becoming increasingly busy, people do not have time for any kind exercise. This leads to the body accumulating excess fat, which very often stays put without responding to diet or exercise. This is one of the main reasons why many people opt for cosmetic surgery.

Body shaping techniques improve the profile and parameters of your body. Aesthetic procedures are carried out on those areas of the body that are diet and exercise resistant. Minimally invasive surgery for fat reduction is gaining more and more popularity these days, and liposuction is provided using advanced body sculpting workstations such as Smartlipo Triplex, Vaserlipo, and BodyTite.

Body Sculpting using Smartlipo Triplex: It is a laser-assisted plastic surgery procedure that uses three unique laser wavelengths – 1440nm, 1320nm and 1064nm for optimal results. Fat is removed successfully, while the skin is also tightened simultaneously to provide for a more youthful, toned appearance.

BodyTite Liposuction: It is a radiofrequency-assisted liposuction procedure that can be provided on any part of the body such as the arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks, knees, jaws and breasts. A tiny incision is made in the area from where the fat is to be removed. A small cannula is inserted under the skin, and radiofrequency energy is used to melt down and remove the excess fat.

Vaserlipo Body Contouring: This procedure helps in breaking up fat selectively. It does not disturb other nearby structures such as blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues. In this procedure, a saline solution mixed with anesthetics or tumescent liquid is injected into the area to be treated. The Vaser ultrasonic probe is inserted into the fatty tissues and the high frequency sound waves that the probes transmit break apart and liquefy the excess fat. This melted fat is then safely removed.

Benefits of Body Sculpting

  • Restores your pre-pregnancy body after childbirth
  • Tightens loose or saggy skin
  • Removes excess fat pockets
  • Ensures a well-contoured body
  • Enhances your self- esteem

Body sculpting helps you achieve a firmer and younger appearance. These minimally invasive techniques ensure quick recovery and you can return to your daily activities within a few days. Lipo procedures are best suitable for people who are near their ideal weight. It is very important to choose a trained and experienced plastic surgeon to ensure safety and efficiency. A reliable surgeon focuses on minimizing complications and maximizing patient satisfaction. Moreover, he/she would also provide follow-up treatment and care if necessary.