Foods To Avoid After Breast Augmentation

For smooth recovery from breast augmentation in New York City, patients need to carefully follow their surgeon’s pre- and post-operative care instructions. Eating right is important not only for smooth recovery after breast augmentation but also for your overall wellbeing.

Foods to avoid after Breast Augmentation

Though patients are advised to shed excess weight before the procedure, going on a crash diet before breast augmentation is not advised as it will deprive the body of nutrients that are essential for healing.

Patients who follow a nutritious, balanced diet will be more comfortable by continuing these eating habits during recovery and beyond. This will help your breast augmentation results to last for many years.

If you are considering breast augmentation in New York City, choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice that provides the services of surgeons who are experts in the procedure. Experts will provide you with pre- and post-surgical instructions including a detailed, personalized diet plan to follow during the recovery period.