What are the Foods to Eat and Avoid after a Brazilian Butt Lift?

When it comes to enhancing the size and shape of your derriere, a Brazilian butt lift in NYC is considered the ideal option. This popular cosmetic surgical procedure uses a woman’s own fat to round out the buttocks. For smooth recovery from Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery, patients need to carefully follow all the pre- and post-operative care instructions prescribed by their plastic surgeon. The diet you follow is one of the most important aspects of recovery. BBL patients need to maintain a healthy diet during the recovery period.

What are the Foods to Eat and Avoid after a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Following BBL, some swelling and inflammation from the fat grafting is natural. Staying hydrated is important to address these side effects and avoid complications such as blood clots or fat embolism. Along with sufficient water, you need to eat the right food. For instance, foods rich in magnesium can help a lot to reduce inflammation. Though there are vitamin supplements that can help you reach your surgeon’s recommended daily intake, there are also plenty of foods that provide this nutrient naturally. You will also need proteins that are essential for new blood cell and collagen production. Proteins are also vital to a well-functioning central nervous and immune system.

Overall, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle based on your plastic surgeon’s recommendations are two important factors for smooth recovery following your Brazilian butt lift New York City. Let’s check out the foods you should eat to help your body get all the nutrition it needs to heal after a BBL:

  • Swiss cheese
  • Dark chocolate
  • Soybean products
  • Bananas
  • Potatoes — with their skin
  • Black and/or kidney beans
  • Pumpkin seeds, cashews, and peanuts
  • Quinoa
  • Spinach
  • Avocado
  • Salmon
  • Egg yolks
  • Sardines
  • Lean organic meats
  • Fortified cereals

Also, supplement your diet with a range of antioxidants such as Vitamins A and C, selenium, manganese and CoQ10 to reduce the growth of free radicals which might grow in response to surgical stress, slow healing and cause tissue damage. Cooking vegetables instead of eating them raw will reduce bloating and gas.

Just as you include the right foods in your diet to reduce inflammation post BBL, you need to avoid certain foods that can cause additional inflammation. Items to avoid include:

  • Processed meats – such as bacon, deli cuts, and sausages
  • Refined grains – such as white bread, pasta, rice, and crackers
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Aspartame and MSG
  • Sugary cereals
  • Candy
  • Fried foods
  • Baked goods
  • Sodas
  • Fast foods

Avoiding these foods post BBL can promote smoother healing. Also, avoid too much of salty foods, spices and marinades, and try to eat as many bland foods as possible. Bland foods allow your digestive system to rest and give your body more energy to dedicate to the healing process. Generally, choose foods high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Avoid processed foods and added sugars, select complex carbohydrates, and drink a lot of water.

Following the special diet plan that your plastic surgeon or nutritionist recommends will help your body heal faster, boost your immune system and promote overall health, all of which is crucial for smooth recovery after BBL. Exercise is also important for smooth recovery.

If you are considering Brazilian butt lift in NYC, choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice that provides the services of surgeons who are experts in performing the procedure. An expert will provide you with proper pre- and post-surgical guidance including a detailed, personalized diet plan to follow during the recovery period.