Getting Ready for Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Brazilian Butt Lift SurgeryNYC practices report that an increasing number of women are requesting Brazilian butt lift surgery.  The procedure uses the patient’s own fat – instead of implants – to improve butt size and shape with natural looking outcomes. The treatment involves liposuction of other body areas to extract fat and injecting it into different depths and areas of the buttocks to enhance contour.

If you are considering the treatment, consult a good plastic surgeon in NYC to learn if you are a good candidate for it. If you are cleared, you need to prepare for the treatment. A reliable surgeon will provide comprehensive instructions to help you manage all the phases – pre-surgical, treatment, and recovery. On your part, you can prepare for the procedure by buying certain items.

Here is a list of the must-haves:

  • Wipes to clean yourself until you can shower again
  • Anti-bacterial soap to clean your incisions
  • A female urinal, as you won’t be able to sit after surgery for a few days
  • Loose outfits that will be easy to slip on and off after surgery
  • A boppy pillow to protect your butt after the surgery
  • Stool softener/laxatives to use in the initial days
  • Pre-op vitamins and post-op protein as advises to help repair the body

Optional items you can consider include: a folding chair to assist going to the bathroom, socks to put over compression stockings, hand lotion, firming lotion, neck/body pillows, and sugar scrub (sugar and olive oil) for your pre-surgery shower. Make your home post-operative ready before you have the procedure so that you can be at ease once you get home. Following all the post-surgical instructions that your surgeon gives you can promote smooth recovery.