How long does Liposuction Surgery take?

Liposuction removes unwanted excess fat and improve body contour. It is one of the 5 top cosmetic surgical procedures in the U.S. Liposuction is usually recommended when excess fat in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, face, chin neck, and arms refuses to respond to even rigorous diets and exercise. When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon in New York City, liposuction can provide you with a slimmer, well-defined, toned body.

Liposuction surgery

One common question that prospective patients ask is how long liposuction surgery will take. The answer is that the time taken for the procedure would depend on many factors such as:

  • The area treated and whether multiple areas are treated
  • The amount of fat removed
  • Technique used
  • Individual considerations
  • The surgeon

According to an Insider article, usually takes less than three hours, but there are certain things that account for the duration of the surgery. Every patient and every procedure performed is different and it is possible for a liposuction procedure to last up to several hours.

The area treated would significantly impact the time taken to perform the procedure. For example, while buttocks liposuction generally takes at least 45 minutes since it’s a medium size surface area, liposuction of small localized areas like the chin and neck usually takes about 20 minutes. Treating the abdomen, back, arms and legs typically takes an hour.

The length of time taken to perform liposuction would also depend on whether multiple areas are treated in one session. In normal cases, treating only one area would take about an hour. Treating more than one area would take more time. For instance, plastic surgeons usually perform liposuction on the flanks in combination with that of the lower and upper abdomen. A combination procedure of this nature could take two to three hours.

Compared to traditional liposuction that uses general anesthesia, tumescent liposuction, has a quicker recovery time. With minimally invasive techniques, liposuction can be performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. In leading Manhattan plastic surgery centers, surgeons use advanced minimally-invasive technologies such as Smartlipo Triplex (laser-assisted), VASERlipo (ultrasound-assisted), and BodyTite (radiofrequency-assisted). All of these procedures use local anesthesia and involve minimal downtime and short recovery.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, patients need to consider the time taken to prepare for liposuction, to get to the surgical center, and to recover after the surgery. You have to reach there 30 minutes prior to the surgery. The recovery time would depend on the area treated – recovery time will be longer for larger areas and multiple areas.

Whether you are considering liposuction surgery or laser liposuction in New York, choosing an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility that has qualified and skilled plastic surgeons is crucial for safe, comfortable treatment and attractive, natural looking outcomes.

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