How Long Is Recovery from Neck Lift Surgery?

Having an elegant, well-defined neckline can improve your looks considerably. However, conditions such as loose neck skin, drooping jowls, or a double chin all may start appearing with age and weight reduction, or due to genetics. Unfortunately, neither diet nor exercise nor the majority of over-the-counter skin care products work effectively on the neck. The good news is that you don’t have to accept a less-than-ideal neckline. The excess skin and fat around your jaw line and in the neck can be removed during neck lift surgery in Manhattan, NYC, giving your neck a more defined and youthful appearance.

Neck Lift Surgery

To reduce wrinkles and give the neck a more youthful appearance, excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is tightened with neck liposuction. It addresses issues such as a double chin; loose, sagging skin from extreme weight loss; jowls; and slack skin. Advanced minimally-invasive procedures such as Smartlipo Triplex, VASERlipo, and BodyTite are used by skilled NYC plastic surgeons to remove stubborn fat and tighten the loose skin around the sides of the neck. Neck liposuction can also be coupled with other procedures such as facelift to improve the overall appearance of your face and neck.

Recovering from Neck Lift Surgery

It takes around 4-6 weeks to fully recover from a neck lift treatment. However, you could continue to feel tightness for a few months after the operation. Over the course of six months, scars will progressively diminish and you will be able to see a well-contoured neck region.

The first week following the treatment you will have some obvious swelling, bruising, and minor discomfort. Initially it could be challenging for you to recognize the benefits of your surgery if there is swelling. However, you will be able to see significant difference after a few weeks. This implies that until then, your body will be actively healing during the recovery period and you should let your body do so to get the desired results.

A compression garment’s main purpose is to maintain your newly shaped and sculpted neck in place and stop fluid from building up, which can cause inflammation. You should wear a compression garment, starting on the first post-op day, and continue through the end of the first or third week, depending on your needs. Your recovery process will go better and smoother the more you wear it. Not wearing it may cause slight neck droop and swelling.

It is important to keep your incision dry at least for the first day after the treatment. It is advised that you wait about a day before taking a shower, after which you can resume taking showers and washing your hair. It is vital to take off the bandages before taking a shower and to just wash your hair with gentle shampoo for the first week. The recovery period could be characterized by mild pain and discomfort. This is due to the fact that at this time the effects of the anesthesia and painkillers begin to fade. However, if you face considerable pain, you can always consult your doctor and take painkillers as per the doctor’s recommendation.

Take enough rest and avoid any kind of intense exercise for a few weeks after the procedure. However, from the second week, you can start walking as it improves blood circulation and facilitates quick healing. You can begin your heavy workout after a month, only if your incisions have healed.

You should sleep on your back with your head raised at a 30-degree angle after a neck lift treatment, and your shoulders shouldn’t touch the pillow. This prevents pressure from being placed on your incisions and ensures appropriate healing. For at least the first four weeks of the recovery phase, you will need to continue doing this. Depending on how well your incisions have healed, you might be permitted to return to your typical sleeping position after two weeks.

Although the recovery phase necessitates patience and time, patients typically express immense satisfaction with their outcomes. Finding a qualified and experienced surgeon is important to ensure a safe and successful neck lift procedure. A reliable plastic surgery center with AAAASF-accreditation provides efficient neck lift surgery in Manhattan, NYC utilizing the most recent, minimally-invasive methods to provide the best results.