How Does Smoking Affect The Healing Process After A Tummy Tuck?

Most often, diet and exercise cannot get rid of stubborn tummy fat, and this leads many men and women turn to cosmetic surgery to achieve their goal of a toned, smooth and flat stomach. Tummy tuck surgery in NYC or abdominoplasty removes excess fat and skin, and restores weakened or separated muscles. NYC plastic surgeons perform the procedure using FDA-approved, minimally-invasive advanced liposuction devices such as BodyTite, Smartlipo Triplex, and VASERlipo. One important health instruction for candidates is related to smoking cessation. Patients are advised to stop smoking when they make the decision to have a tummy tuck.

Tummy Tuck

We all are aware of the effects of smoking on health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 16 million Americans are living with a disease caused by smoking and more than 46 million American adults smoke despite knowing the negative health effects of smoking cigarettes which are well publicized. So, quitting is good for your health. The effects of smoking can go beyond your general health – when you have surgery, it will be detrimental to the healing process.

Smoking affects how the body handles surgery and can cause complications. Plastic surgeons advise patient to quit smoking for a few weeks before and after the procedure. Cigarette smoke contains nicotine, a vasoconstrictor which limits the flow of blood to your tissues and can lead to poor wound healing, open wounds, and necrosis (death of tissues). By decreasing blood flow and oxygen levels in the body, smoking makes it difficult for surgical incisions to close and heal, and also increases risk of complications and scarring. Smoking also weakens the immune system, and increases the chance of infection after surgery.

The main problems that smoking causes for tummy tuck patients are:

  • Tightens the blood vessels and decreases healthy circulation
  • Can cause coughing, leading to pain
  • Might lead to increased blood loss
  • Slows the healing process and leads to longer recovery time
  • Higher risk for:
    • Postoperative infection
    • Tissue necrosis and loss
    • More visible scarring
    • Need for reoperations

These problems can destroy your tummy tuck results and even make revision surgery necessary. So, to allow your body to heal properly, it is crucial to quit smoking or at least stop 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after tummy tuck surgery in New York City. Smoking before your incision sites have healed can put you at risk of poor healing, infection, and other dangerous complications.

Patients also need to avoid nicotine patches, gum or other nicotine substitutes before and after a tummy tuck. Nicotine is what causes your blood vessels to constrict.

Ideally, patients can use this opportunity as motivation to quit smoking completely. In fact, a study team found that after the surgery, a large percentage of patients end up quitting cigarette consumption or at least reduced it. If you’re struggling to stop smoking before your surgery, talk to your primary care doctor about quitting strategies.

If you are planning to undergo tummy tuck surgery in NYC, choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery center with surgeons who are experts in this procedure.