How to Choose the Right Breast Implant Type for Your Body

Breast ImplantBreast augmentation in New York City is a great option for women who are unhappy with the way their breasts look. The procedure involves surgery to insert implants to enhance breast size and shape. If you are considering breast augmentation, one major decision you have to make is with regard to the breast implant, that is, for optimal results, you have to choose the right option for your body. This is not easy as there are a wide variety of breast implants in various sizes and shapes. Moreover, several other factors need to be taken into consideration to get the best outcome.

The first thing to keep in mind is that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to breast implants. A size or shape that looks attractive on someone else may not suit you. The ideal way to make the right decision about your implant is to discuss matters with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. To find the breast implant size and shape that is best for you, keep the following points in mind:

  • Your body type and shape matter: While looking for a breast implant, the first thing to consider is your body shape and type. If you are petite, then large implants would look awkward. Moreover, with a small body type, larger breasts can cause back pain or even affect your self confidence. Besides individual preferences, choice of size also depends on chest size and the amount of breast tissue present. Each body shape and type has a different appeal. So work with your plastic surgeon to find the implant size to suit your body.
  • Implant shape: Breast implants come in different shapes such as teardrop and round. Round breast implants give the appearance of more fullness at the top of the breast. If you are looking for a fuller look and want to correct sagging, then round implants may be a good option. Teardrop-shaped breast implants have a more natural look, that is, the bottom is fuller.
  • Type of implant: There are many types of breast implants. For instance, NYC plastic surgery practices offer saline, silicone gel, gummy bear and IDEAL implants. You need to learn about these implant types and their risks and benefits. For most women, the aim is to get natural-looking results.
  • Implant placement and incision site: The different types of incisions for implant placement are: underneath the breast, on the outer edge of the areola, within the armpit and just above the belly button. The cosmetic surgeon will determine the best option depending your anatomy and goals, also taking care to see that breast augmentation scars remain hidden.
  • Age: Another factor to consider is age. Women age 18 to 50 can have breast implant surgery, though their goals may be different. For instance, younger women may prefer a fuller look, while women who have had children may want to address changes caused by childbirth and want their breasts to look youthful again. Aging results in loss of volume and signs of sagging appear. The bottom line: women can have breast augmentation if they are ideal candidates for the procedure and are aware about the procedure’s benefits, risks, and results.
  • Your aesthetic goals: Breast augmentation can correct asymmetry (one breast smaller/bigger than the other), improve breast volume after childbirth or weight loss, and improve sagging. The breast implant type you choose should help you achieve your goal. A surgeon who is experienced in performing breast augmentation can guide you in making the right choice based your anatomy and objective.

A study published in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) noted that 98% of women who have had breast augmentation surgery say that the results met or even exceeded their expectations. In NYC, breast augmentation is available in AAAASF- accredited plastic surgery practices. Reliable plastic surgeons will guide you in choosing the right size, shape and implant style for your body and provide customized treatment to enhance your natural beauty.