How to Fix a Saggy Neck Without Surgery

Wrinkled, saggy skin on the neck – called turkey neck – is a common aesthetic issue that occurs due to aging, environmental factors, lifestyle, weight fluctuations, and so on. Natural methods like exercise and diet can help only to a certain extent and provide a tighter appearance, but if you have a lot of loose skin, these methods cannot help. Fortunately, plastic surgery can. In fact, established Manhattan plastic surgery practices offer various options to fix a saggy neck. They offer invasive, minimally-invasive, and non-invasive treatments for this concern. Before you consider plastic surgery, try natural methods.

Saggy Neck

Exercises to fix a saggy neck

Here are some facial and neck exercises that could help strengthen and tone the muscles and skin in the chin and neck area:

  • Pucker up: Face the ceiling with your head tilted back. Pucker your lips like you are kissing the ceiling to stretch the area under your chin. Hold the position for a few seconds, stop puckering and return to the normal position.
  • Tounge stretch: Look straight and stick your tongue out as far as you can. Then bring your tongue upwards and towards your nose. Hold the position for about 10 seconds and release.
  • Necklift: Lie on the bed with your head hanging over the edge. Then using your neck muscles, slowly lift your head as much you can. Repeat five times. If you feel any neck pain, discontinue the exercise.
  • Chew: Sit straight and lift your head back so that your chin faces the ceiling. Keep your mouth closed and chew. Repeat twenty times.


Maintaining a healthy weight can prevent a double chin and turkey neck from forming. Daily, have three servings of fruits

  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit
  • Avoid processed foods, fried foods, and sugary foods
  • Choose healthy fats – include olive oil, nuts, and avocados in your diet
  • Eat low-fat dairy products
  • Keep track of your calorie intake and practice portion control

If you find that these natural methods cannot address your cosmetic concerns, the best solution would be plastic surgery. The good news there are non-surgical treatments that can help you achieve your goals safely and effectively.

Cosmetic procedures to improve neck appearance

  • EVOKE Neck: InMode Evoke Neck is the industry’s first hands-free applicator. It is specifically designed to revitalize areas such as chin, neck, and jowls. Evoke uses radiofrequency energy to remodel these areas and provide a more youthful appearance.
  • Forma: The procedure uses Optimas Workstation to deliver a painless treatment. It stimulates collagen production in the chin and neck area and enhances skin elasticity. The procedure, which utilizes radiofrequency power, is the first auto-adjusting, non-invasive thermal skin treatment. It performs deep and uniform tissue stimulation in the chin, jowls, and neck.

The benefits:

  • It reduces the appearance of cellulite and tightens the saggy skin
  • Minimal to no downtime needed
  • Treatments can be performed in the office, typically needs 1 hour or less
  • Patients can return to their normal activities after the treatment
  • Painless
  • No anesthesia required in the treatment
  • Patients can stay awake and relax during the treatment
  • Instant results
  • Provide a naturally rejuvenated look
  • Fewer risks involved

Ideal Candidates:

  • Not appropriate for pregnant women, or people who are taking certain medications, or having certain medical conditions.
  • People who stay physically healthy and have realistic expectations.
  • Should be a non-smoker
  • Should have minimum skin laxity

Reliable Manhattan plastic surgery practices also offer minimally-invasive options to tighten a sagging neck such as EmbraceRF and chin liposuction using advanced technologies. It is crucial to choose a skilled cosmetic surgeon in New York City to perform your procedure. After evaluating your concerns, a reliable surgeon will recommend the right option to help you achieve your goals.