Important Facts You Should Know About Tummy Tuck

Are you concerned with the excess skin and fat in your abdominal area, and want to achieve a trimmer, tighter midsection? Then, consider getting tummy tuck surgery – also known as abdominoplasty – a procedure that removes excess fat and skin around the stomach and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall to provide a firmer midsection. It is usually recommended when diet and exercise cannot provide the desired results. In New York City, tummy tuck is performed using FDA-approved, minimally-invasive advanced liposuction devices such as BodyTite, Smartlipo Triplex, and VASER lipo.

Tummy Tuck

Whether caused by pregnancy, significant weight loss, or genetics, tummy tuck can successfully remove excess abdominal fat, and tighten loose skin and muscles. It can provide you both physical and mental benefits. If you’ve been thinking about getting a tummy tuck, here are a few important things you should know:

  • It’s Not a Weight Loss Procedure: Tummy tuck is not a weight loss or bariatric procedure; it is a body contouring procedure that removes excess stubborn fat pockets that have proven resistant to diet and exercise. It helps to improve the contour and tone of your midsection.
  • Tummy Tuck Results Are Permanent: Though the outcome of a tummy tuck is technically permanent, significant fluctuations in weight may affect the outcome. Surgeons advise patients to get as close as possible to their ideal weight before the procedure and as weight gain can affect your results, they would advise you to follow a proper diet and exercise regimen to maintain your new shape. In fact, individuals who are planning to lose weight or women planning to get pregnant in future should postpone tummy tuck surgery.
  • There Are Different Types of Tummy Tuck Procedures: NYC AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices provide different types of tummy tuck procedures:
    • Complete or Full Abdominoplasty: In this tummy tuck procedure, two incisions are needed to remove excess fat and skin, and to tighten the muscles. One is placed in the lower abdomen from one hip to the other, and a second one is made around the navel.
    • Partial Abdominoplasty or Mini Tummy Tuck: Suitable to address a lesser degree of skin laxity and mild lower abdominal skin excess, this tummy tuck procedure requires only a small incision, which is made above the pubic region.
    • High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty: This procedure tightens the abdominal muscles and skin as well as the skin that lies just below the breasts on the upper abdomen, providing a visibly improved contour.
    • Liposuction-only Abdominoplasty: This procedure is ideal for younger patients with good skin elasticity and moderate fat deposits.
    • Brazilian Tummy Tuck: This procedure is a good option when the patient has more excess fat than skin. As the incision for this procedure is placed very low in the pubic area, the surgical scar will not be visible even in a low-cut bikini. The treatment pulls the waist in and removes excess skin, resulting in a smaller-looking waist. It also pulls up the pubic area that tends to drop with age and pregnancy, and can even reduce incontinence that occurs after pregnancy.
    • Non-invasive Tummy Tuck: The non-surgical/noninvasive Tummy Tuck in New York addresses adipose tissue, improves skin quality, and tones the muscles – without surgical intervention. The procedure utilizes InMode’s EVOLVE, a revolutionary hands-free thermal body and skin treatment. This breakthrough all-in-one platform technology utilizes unique bipolar technology to deliver RF energy and electromagnetic pulses for body contouring. It can remodel even larger body areas effectively.
  • Do Your Research Before Choosing a Tummy Tuck Surgeon and Practice: Make sure your procedure is performed in a hospital or an outpatient surgery center that is accredited by one of the recognized national certifying agencies such as the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF), Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Institute for Medical Quality, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organization, State-licensed or Medicare-certified. This is very important to ensure a safe and effective body contouring procedure.

    Just as choosing an accredited plastic surgery practice is critical, it is equally important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon who is experienced in the procedure you are considering. Do your research and find out if your plastic surgeon is well-qualified and well-trained in this particular procedure. A reliable surgeon would explain the benefits as well as risks of the surgery to you, including the potential complications, which in turn helps you take an informed decision.

  • Tummy Tuck Can Be Considered by Men Too: Even though tummy tuck is more popular among women who tend to accumulate abdominal fat and saggy skin following pregnancy and childbirth, it can benefit men as well. Weight gain, aging, and other factors can affect the appearance of a man’s midsection. A tummy tuck can remove stubborn belly fat or loose skin and help men achieve a well-toned, firm abdomen.
  • Following Post-Op Instructions Diligently During the Recovery Period Is Very Important: Though the New York City, tummy tuck surgery is performed using minimally-invasive techniques, recovery time will vary depending on individual considerations and other factors. In most cases, the recovery period ranges from 2-4 weeks. For smooth healing and optimal results, follow your surgeon’s instructions diligently. During this period, patients are instructed to refrain from any heavy lifting or exercise and will be advised to wear an abdominal binder to support the tissues as they heal. This binder or compression garment has to be worn for a few weeks until most of the swelling resolves.
  • Expect Benefits Beyond the Aesthetic: We know that tummy tuck offers effective fat reduction, tightening of sagging skin and weak abdomen muscles, and provides a flatter, smoother tummy and improved body contour. However, apart from these cosmetic rewards, tummy tuck also provides certain medical benefits – such as it reduces stress urinary incontinence, addresses back pain, corrects a ventral hernia, improves posture, and increases exercise tolerance.

Once the good results of the tummy tuck start to appear, many patients would experience that their entire outlook has changed. They would feel happier with themselves and even their relationships improve once they feel better and look more attractive.

To undergo a tummy tuck in New York, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that provides the service of plastic surgeons who are skilled in performing the procedure. The right surgeon will be ready to answer all your questions related to the treatment, guide you in taking an informed decision, and help you enjoy a stress-free surgical experience.

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