Important Things to Know Before Getting Pectoral Implants

Many men spend hours at the gym to achieve toned pectoral muscles for a fuller and more masculine chest, and end up disappointed when even rigorous workouts cannot help them achieve the desired definition and muscularity. Pectoral implants provide the solution. Pectoral implants for men add shape and definition to the chest area to result in a well-proportioned, symmetric, athletic torso.

Factors such as genetics, growth defects, injury and other conditions can limit the growth of the chest muscles. The pec implants procedure involves inserting implants made of solid silicone under the pectoral muscle to create or recreate a natural-looking chest area. An incision of about 2 inches in length is made in the armpit. A pocket is then created to place the implant under the pectoralis major muscle. After inserting the chest implants, the incision is closed and the same process repeated on the opposite side. The procedure may take approximately two hours to complete.
Pectoral ImplantsThe procedure offers many benefits when performed by an expert plastic surgeon. Here are some important things that you should know to prepare for the procedure:

  • Choose a reliable plastic surgery center that has well-qualified plastic surgeons who skilled in performing pectoral implant surgery.
  • At your consultation, the plastic surgeon will review your complete medical history and also perform a physical exam to determine your candidature for the procedure.
  • Ask your surgeons specific questions regarding the procedure so as to address any concern that you have. A trained and experienced surgeon can provide satisfactory replies to all your queries.
  • Male chest implants are available in different sizes and shapes. Your surgeon will consider factors such as body type, symmetry, proportions and individual preferences and expectations to provide you with the best outcomes.
  • Before the procedure, you will be advised to avoid anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin and certain herbal medications that could encourage increased bleeding.
  • Stop smoking at least two weeks in advance of your surgery to avoid risks of blood clots, strokes, or other complications.
  • Avoid using any lotion or shaving cream on your chest, arms, etc. since it would interfere with the procedure and recovery.
  • Arrange to have someone take you home after your operation and ideally, stay with you for your first night post-op.
  • It’s important to have realistic expectations about the results.

Your surgeon will prescribe medications to manage pain and recommend wearing a compression garment to reduce swelling. Contact your surgeon if you experience any problems such as increased pain, soreness or redness in the area. Preparing well for pectoral implant surgery as well as proper post-operative care is crucial to promote smooth recovery and optimal results.