Improve The Appearance Of Your Hips With Hip Dip Surgery In NYC

Hip dips, which are modest, gentle curves below the hips and above the thighs, are often more evident in people with varied ratios of muscle to fat in their body composition. Fat transfer to hips in Manhattan NYC is one way of improving the appearance of hip dip. The surgery uses both liposuction and fat transfer to correct hip dips. In this procedure, liposuction is first performed and the extracted fat is then transferred to the hips.

Hip Dip Surgery

Hip dips are inward curves that develop on your hips naturally as a result of the attachment of your skin to the trochanter, the deepest section of your thigh bone. Depending on the size of your hips and the contour of your pelvis, they may be more or less noticeable. Your health is not at risk if you do have hip dips. However, some people feel self-conscious about hip dip, especially when they wear a tight dress.

Round Hips with Hip Dip Surgery

The main objective of hip dip procedure is to lessen the hips’ natural curvature. The indentations are filled in with fat grafts to create a smoother, more streamlined contour. The hip dip operation involves minimally-invasive techniques that only require local anesthesia, whereas traditional hip augmentation is conducted under general anesthesia. Fat removed from your inner thighs, stomach, or buttocks can be used for this procedure.   Small incisions will be made, which will then be stitched shut and bandaged. This procedure helps to improve the appearance of your hips and gives you an hourglass look. Another highlight of this procedure is that the results are long-lasting and takes very less downtime.

Before the Surgery

You must schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon before having any plastic surgery done. Making sure you’re comfortable before continuing with the treatment is a crucial step. The plastic surgeon will inquire about your goals and desires for having plastic surgery, medical history, allergies, and any other health concerns during your consultation. Being truthful will help the surgeon to best meet your needs. The surgeon may also evaluate your general health and take some before-and-after pictures. Additionally, they might draw circles and lines on your body to indicate where they should make incisions. Before the surgery, you may be told to stop taking some medications and might need to have some blood work done. You should ask any queries that you may have throughout the consultation. Your plastic surgeon must be able to make you as comfortable as possible.

During the Surgery

The process is quite standard in and of itself. You will first be given an anesthesia to numb the area. Since significant incisions are not required, local anesthesia is used for liposuction. In the next step, your plastic surgeon will make a few tiny incisions on your thigh to insert a cannula, a tube. This aids in removing some of the fat so that a vacuum can remove it. Liposuction can level the area and smooth out wrinkles, thus in certain circumstances it may be all you need to get rid of hip dips. But if necessary, fat grafting can be carried out. Once the fat has been removed, any excess fluids or debris are taken out of the mixture using a centrifuge. Finally, tiny droplets of fat are injected into the recipient area. The fat will likely be injected into the indentation to help it look fuller and more sensuous in the case of hip dips.

After the Surgery

The healing time following hip dip surgery typically ranges from four to six weeks. You won’t really be able to gauge the full extent of your results until after the recovery time is through because you’ll probably remain bloated for a while. Bandages and drains may be applied to the surgical site during the first week to drain extra blood and fluid. Compression bandages will also be used to assist your body in molding to its new contour and shape. You will need to limit your activities for around two weeks, but after that time you should be able to go back to work. However, you should avoid severely straining your hips through exercise. You can resume modest activity after about a month. After six weeks, unless your surgeon advises otherwise, you can resume your regular range of activities.

Hip dips are perfectly acceptable and have no risk physically. Hip dips are common depressions between your thighs and hips on the sides of your body. They are brought on by skin growth on the inner thigh bone. The amount of fat distributed throughout your body can influence how noticeable these are. Hip dips are not harmful to your health, but getting rid of them could give you more self-confidence. Hip dip surgery is an option, if you want a more contoured figure. Liposuction and fat transfer to hips in Manhattan NYC are considered to be low-risk, straightforward procedures that can help you achieve fuller hips and an hourglass shape.