Is Body Lift Right for You? Understanding the Procedure and Its Benefits

Many people find that fat deposits in various areas of the body persist even after rigorous exercise and strict diet regimens. These stubborn fat deposits, coupled with the natural loss of skin elasticity, can significantly impact body contour. Factors like aging, UV exposure, pregnancy, and hereditary traits contribute to the decreased elasticity of the skin. The arms, back, breasts, buttocks, thighs, waist, hips, and other body parts can be effectively tightened and firmed through a body lift in Manhattan. By eliminating excess fat deposits, as well as excess skin and tissue, the procedure results in a well-defined body contour.

Body Lift

Say goodbye to stubborn fat deposits and sagging skin with a body lift at bodySCULPT!

Contact us to learn more.

How is a Body Lift Performed?

In Manhattan, NYC, plastic surgeons perform the procedure using safe, minimally invasive techniques. The three common options are:

  • Smartlipo Triplex: The laser-enabled Smartlipo Triplex device combines three different wavelengths (1440, 1064, and 1320 nm) to liquefy and remove extra fat and tighten loose skin.
  • BodyTite: This liposuction technique uses radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin and tightens the tissue, and can successfully contour a variety of locations.
  • VASERLipo: This ultrasonic energy-assisted technology preserves other critical tissues while targeting fatty tissue. It maintains the viability of the cells for fat transfer.

These techniques require only small incisions and allow plastic surgeons to perform the body lift as an outpatient procedure using local anesthesia. Once the treatment is over, the incisions are closed using sutures or adhesive tapes.

Who is an Ideal Candidate?

You are a good candidate for a body lift:

  • if you have lost a lot of weight (50–300 lbs.) and have loose, hanging skin in various body areas
  • if you want to lose weight that is resistant to diet and exercise
  • if you have folds of loose, hanging skin from aging or previous pregnancies

You are not a good candidate if you are very obese, a smoker or an alcoholic, or are not willing to follow post-operative instructions.

Advantages of a Body lift

  • Comprehensive body transformation: The ability of a body lift to treat various body areas in a single procedure is one of the main factors contributing to its popularity. As extra skin and fat are removed from various areas, the procedure results in a balanced and harmonious body contour. It can effectively address a sagging abdomen skin, flabby thighs, and drooping buttocks, and more, resulting in a more toned and youthful appearance.
  • Removal of extra skin: Significant weight loss, whether from a change in diet and exercise habits, bariatric surgery, or after childbirth, frequently results in sagging and loose skin. This extra skin is removed during the procedure, enabling patients to finally reap the rewards of their weight loss efforts. By eliminating the skin and fat, the procedure can reveal the underlying muscle definition and create a more contoured and streamlined appearance.
  • Enhanced body proportions: The procedure enhances body proportions in addition to addressing drooping skin. It produces a more balanced and contoured appearance by removing extra skin and fat from the belly, thighs, and buttocks. This can improve overall body proportions.
  • Boosts self-confidence: Body lift surgery can truly work wonders for how people perceive their own body and boosts their self-confidence. They will feel more comfortable and assured in their appearance, and feel inspired to fully participate in activities and wear the clothes they’ve always wanted to, but may have avoided before.
  • Long-lasting effects: As the extra skin and fat are permanently removed after the procedure, the effects are long-lasting. To retain the results of the treatment, it is crucial to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Ready to transform your body and achieve the sculpted, toned appearance you always desired?

Take the first step towards a comprehensive transformation – call 1-800-282-7285 today!

Body lift surgery may be the best option for you if you’ve lost a lot of weight or had other physical changes that have left you with extra skin and a lack of muscle tone. A body lift in Manhattan can be done either alone or in conjunction with other body sculpting procedures such as liposuction, breast augmentation, and Brazilian butt lift. If you are considering the procedure, consult a qualified plastic surgeon in Manhattan NYC.