Does Lower Blepharoplasty Get Rid of Wrinkles?

The eyes are one of the first parts of the face to show visible signs of aging. As a person ages, the thin, delicate skin around the eyes begins to lose elasticity. Wrinkles, loose skin, creases, and fat deposits are typical aging signs seen around the eyes. Blepharoplasty provided in Manhattan-based plastic surgery facilities is the best solution to resolve this concern. It can relocate your natural fat pad or remove extra tissue and fat to smoothen the skin around your eyes.

Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty in Manhattan for a Wrinkle-free Look

The loss of natural collagen and suppleness that occurs when you become older can cause the skin to droop, wrinkle (sometimes prematurely), and dark circles develop beneath the eyes. The area just under your eye tends to collect fat deposits that move and settle over time, giving your face a sunken, gloomy, and constantly fatigued appearance. The facial muscles might become weak as you age and give off a prematurely aged appearance due to the ongoing accumulation of fat deposits in this area.

Some of the most obvious aging symptoms that appear around your eyes:

  • Hollow, puffy grooves
  • Dark circles
  • Under-eye bags and festoons (bags that develop beneath the bags)
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sagging, drooping skin due to unequal fat deposits and excess skin.

Get rid of your wrinkles and loose eyelid skin with Blepharoplasty.

Contact us to book your appointment.

A simple under-eye blepharoplasty procedure can treat all of these issues. Patients receive a local anesthesia for the treatment, which is normally done as an outpatient procedure. Complications are uncommon and vary depending on the technique utilized in the treatment. Depending on the extent of treatment, the patient’s needs, and whether they are having both eyes treated or just one, the process can take anywhere from one to two hours.

To ensure that scars won’t be apparent, only a small incision is made. Although any extra fatty deposits in the area can also be eliminated, the localized natural fat will be relocated. The remaining skin will be raised and sealed. The procedure makes the skin under the eyelid tighter and smoother, giving the patient a more youthful appearance. Plastic surgeons skilled in performing minimally invasive surgical treatments can help create a smooth and tighter look around your eyes after the procedure.

Is Lower Eyelid Surgery Alone Enough?

The skin around the eyes looks smoother and tighter after extra fat and tissues have been removed. However, it won’t address other typical eye wrinkles. Crow’s feet, or wrinkles that develop at the corners of the eyes, and vertical wrinkles between the eyes are other concerns people have. However, crow’s feet cannot be removed through lower eyelid surgery. It is crucial to have both the upper and lower eyelids treated. You can also add an eyebrow lift to your treatment plan to further customize it. This will assist you in achieving the polished, youthful and flawless look that you desire.

Consider Smartbleph Blepharoplasty Also

Using the modern blepharoplasty procedure Smartbleph, the upper eyelids can be rejuvenated. This treatment provides the desired outcome faster than conventional eyelid surgery and is an improvement on it. The procedure uses advanced SmartSkin laser from Cynosure to efficiently remove extra upper lid skin and tighten the surrounding tissue. Experienced surgeons can provide customized treatment that gives you a youthful, vibrant appearance. This procedure can be done under local anesthesia and only takes 30 minutes to complete. In a few days, you can resume your regular activities.

Restore a youthful appearance and a clear field of vision with Blepharoplasty.

Call us at 1-800-282-7285

If you are considering blepharoplasty in Manhattan, make sure to choose a plastic surgery facility that is AAAASF-accredited. Plastic surgeons at such facilities will focus on providing the best results while preventing any complications.