Possible Applications of Google Glass in Plastic Surgery

A revolutionary technology that brings a computer right before your eyes, Google glass has gained great acceptance among the public. With just a simple voice command, you can make phone calls, take photos or video, check emails, and scan the internet. It has found application in diverse areas, minimizing human effort and improving convenience. The plastic surgery arena has also been revolutionized by this innovation, changing the way surgeons perform surgery. A web-connected, wearable computer was a distant dream once but now a much loved reality.

  • Primarily, the streaming live video option helps doctors have access to assistance from other specialists if needed, during the different phases of a surgical procedure. Fewer delays, more positive results, and less risk are what they can offer their patients.
  • Without even moving out from the operating room, surgeons can have a look at the X-rays or MRI images if necessary.
  • With this new device, the surgeon’s assistants in the operating room can contribute more by being more responsive, which would improve the procedure efficiency.
  • Patients can use this device to navigate a preoperative program to get ready for surgery or to improve post-discharge communication and recovery.

Some other applications of Google glass in a cosmetic surgery scenario are:

  • Hands-free photo/video-documentation
  • Hands-free telephone calls for emergency assistance
  • Internet search assistance for unfamiliar or unexpected happenings within operating room

The device is useful irrespective of the type of plastic surgery whether breast augmentation, tummy tuck or any other. Trials have been going on to include options for patient safety checklist apps with Google Glass, making the most out of its voice and gesture-activated menu navigation option. As of now, its actual use is reported only among a few surgeons in the country. Some drawbacks such as patient privacy are also a concern. Once patients’ consent is received and its uses are more open and clear, Google glass is sure to have a promising role to play as regards the success rates of plastic surgery procedures.