Post-Operative Tips To Improve Swelling After BodyTite Liposuction

Though there different types of body shaping workouts, they don’t live up to the expectations of men and women seeking that sculpted look. BodyTite in NYC could provide the solution. The procedure can get rid of stubborn fat and tighten the skin without surgery and long downtime.

BodyTite Liposuction

Factors such as aging, genetics, hormonal imbalances, and weight gain are the key reasons for buildup of stubborn fat pockets. A safe, minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure, BodyTite liposuction provides efficient removal of unwanted fat and cellulite reduction along with noticeable skin tightening effects. The procedure utilizes patented radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology to remove stubborn fat and tightening sagging skin and can provide you with a trimmer, contoured body. However, like other minimally invasive treatments, some swelling is common after the procedure.

After BodyTite liposuction, swelling usually sets in during the normal healing process. However, the trauma would be less than that which occurs after conventional liposuction surgery. Generally, swelling after BodyTite usually resolves in a few weeks but if swelling increases and persists, then it’s probably because you haven’t take proper care of your body during the post-op period. That’s why following your surgeon’s post-op instruction is important to smooth healing. Here are some tips to improve swelling after BodyTite liposuction:

  • Light walking is recommended soon after the procedure. This is because, a brisk walk during the first few weeks following BodyTite can reduce swelling and prevent blood clots.
  • Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise until healing is complete.
  • Perform lymphatic massage as it could promote healing and enhance the appearance of skin around the treatment area.
  • Wear a compression garment for at least one week after the surgery.
  • Avoid overexposure to the sun.
  • Quit smoking, as it delays healing and increases the risk of complications.
  • Limit your salt intake.
  • Take the painkillers or any other medications that your surgeon prescribes as it can alleviate post-procedural pain or discomfort. However, do not take aspirin or any products containing aspirin unless approved by the plastic surgeon.
  • Refrain from alcohol when taking pain medications.
  • Keep up with your follow-up appointments
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure (if needed).
  • Have someone to help with household tasks for a day or two, or as required.
  • Take plenty of rest and follow a balanced diet. Eat raw fruit and drink plenty of water.
  • If you notice anything unusual at the treatment site or during the healing process, contact your surgeon immediately.

Advancements in technology have made body contouring much easier. Performed using local anesthesia, minimally invasive techniques such as BodyTite in NYC allow plastic surgeons to provide excellent results with minimal downtime and short recovery. The procedure comes with faster recovery time than other body contouring procedures.

Most patients get back to their normal routine within 2-3 days after BodyTite treatment and healing may take up to six months. As swelling and bruising subsides, significant improvement will be noticed in the body contours – including tighter, firmer skin.

However, results are patient specific and will depend on the area treated and the amount of fat removed, because larger areas will require a longer recovery time. For long lasting results, it is crucial to maintain a healthy diet and stay physically active.

Utilizing patented radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology to provide safe, gentle, and effective body contouring, BodyTite is a versatile minimally invasive modality that provides superior results. The FDA-cleared BodyTite liposuction device delivers radiofrequency energy (RF) to liquefy subcutaneous fat – so that it can be easily removed – and also coagulate the blood vessels, remove cellulite and tighten the skin, while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed.

If you are considering BodyTite in NYC, choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice with surgeons who are experts in performing the procedure. Choosing the right plastic surgeon is crucial for the success of BodyTite procedure. An expert will assess your needs and anatomical considerations, and provide customized treatment. In an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice, you can expect end-to-end care and support all through the treatment.