Preoperative Evaluation and Preparation for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation retained its position as the top cosmetic surgical procedure in 2017. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), up to 300,378 breast augmentation procedures were performed last year, up 3 percent from 2016. Augmentation mammaplasty, as the procedure is also called, involves inserting implants to enhance breast size and shape. Breast augmentation in NYC is performed using FDA-approved implants.

Breast AugmentationAugmentation mammaplasty is an ideal option for women who want fuller and perkier breasts, correct breasts that differ in size and shape, and reshape breasts that have lost volume and firmness due to excessive weight loss, pregnancy, aging, breastfeeding or other reasons.

Breast implants come in different sizes and shapes such as tear-drop and round and with textured and smooth surfaces to fit any woman’s breasts and body type. There are different types of breast implants such as saline, silicone, gummy bear, and the IDEAL implant. Breast implants are inserted behind the breast tissue or under the chest muscle through an incision in the armpit, at the edge of the areola or under the breast. NYC plastic surgery practices also offer composite breast augmentation which combines implants with fat transfer to provide a softer and more natural look and feel.

If you are considering breast augmentation in NYC, choose a surgeon with extensive experience in performing the procedure. A reliable NYC plastic surgeon will answer any questions you may have about the procedure. The surgeon will first evaluate your medical history and determine that you are a good candidate for breast enhancement. Based on age and family history, a mammogram may be recommended to set up a baseline before your surgery. Your surgeon will explain how the breast enlargement procedure will be performed and also discuss the shape, size, surface texturing, incision site and placement site that would be suitable for you.

You will be asked to

  • Quit smoking at least six weeks before surgery to better promote healing.
  • Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs as that can increase bleeding, in advance of your procedure.

Irrespective of the type of surgery to be performed, hydration is very important before and after procedure for safe recovery. As the breast augmentation is performed on an outpatient basis, you should arrange for someone to drive you home after procedure and to stay with you at least the first night following surgery.

In AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practices in NYC, surgeons help patients preview their outcomes using superior imaging technology such as Axis 3, Vectra 3D and Oculus Rift 3D imaging glasses. This will allow you to work with your surgeon to achieve the best outcomes.