Resuming Normal Activities after Plastic Surgery

Plastic SurgeryMany people are now utilizing the possibilities that plastic surgery offers to improve on their features, look more youthful, and boost their confidence. One of the questions that potential candidates ask is “How long will recovery take and when can I get back to exercise and normal activity?” Let’s take a look at the healing time and conditions associated with some popular cosmetic surgical procedures.

  • Liposuction: This procedure, which removes the surplus fat deposits in difficult spots, is usually completed within a short time when performed using Smartlipo Triplex, VASERlipo or BodyTite. These minimally invasive techniques use local anesthesia and some people even get back to work right after the treatment. Light physical activity can be initiated within a week to ten days. You would need to wait at least three weeks to resume intense running or strength building exercises.
  • Breast augmentation surgery: Implants, fat transfer or a combination of these are the options available to enhance the bust line. You would need to take complete rest for a week to ten days. After that, you can start with light exercises like walking and gradually move on to more intense exercises – based on what your body can tolerate. However, workouts involving the pectoral muscles should be avoided during the first month of recovery.
  • Tummy Tuck: This procedure is performed to trim the midsection by removing excess fat and skin, and tightening the muscles. Recovery can take time, especially depending on how extensive the surgery was. You may be asked to do some walking every day in the first week and more in the following weeks, which would help prevent blood clots and ease swelling. In most cases, patients resume exercising only after 3 weeks, but the time can be longer. You may have to wait at least two months to resume aerobic exercises.

These are typical recovery times and in reality, the time would vary based in individual conditions. Nevertheless, getting an idea about the recovery period and what you can and cannot do, before you have the treatment will ensure that you are prepared for what lies ahead.