Should I Lose Weight Before Having a Brazilian Butt Augmentation in New York?

More and more women having Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery to achieve a shapely, rounder derriere. The Brazilian butt augmentation in NYC is an ideal option for those who don’t want implants and desire a more natural, subtle look, including a sculpted midsection. BBL uses your own fat to provide you with a fuller, more sculpted, and posterior. Fat is removed from other areas such as the abdomen, flanks and thighs via liposuction and injected into the buttocks. While enhancing the buttocks, BBL in NYC slims and tones the donor sites, improving the overall appearance of the lower body.

Brazilian Butt Augmentation

Ready to enhance your curves and achieve that stunning silhouette you’ve always desired with Brazilian butt augmentation surgery?

Contact bodySCULPT today!


Having too little fat

The Brazilian butt lift is not recommended for women who are extremely slim. If the patient does not have sufficient fat for transfer to the buttocks, the plastic surgeon may not be able to provide the desired enhancement. Those who are underweight are likely to have a BMI that is below average, making them poor candidates for the procedure. In this situation, based on individual considerations, they may be asked to gain weight over a period of time so that they have enough fat to harvest for BBL.

Having too much fat

BBL requires healthy fat tissue in the donor sites for harvesting. Individuals who are close to their ideal weight are considered the best candidates for any type of plastic surgery procedure. Being at a healthy, stable weight is important to achieve the best results and also to minimize the risks associated with surgery. So, a person who is overweight should think about losing weight before getting a Brazilian Butt Augmentation in New York. If you are in the middle of a weight loss journey before BBL, make sure that you are within 10 pounds of your desired weight and that your BMI is under 30. To achieve optimal outcomes, you need to have a stable, healthy weight.

How Much Fat can be Removed?

When it comes to liposuction, there are specific guidelines on fat removal that plastic surgeons follow. The maximum amount of fat that can be removed for a patient, regardless of body weight or fat status, is 5,000 milliliters or 11 pounds.

Weight Fluctuations Can Affect Your Results

The results of your surgery will be impacted by considerable weight fluctuations before and after the treatment. It’s critical to know how fat cells function. They will become bigger if you put on weight and get smaller if you lose it. In other words, if you put on weight, the volume of your buttocks will expand along with the rest of your body, and if you lose a lot of weight, the volume will decrease. If you are considering BBL, keeping your weight steady and stable is important for safe treatment and good outcomes. Likewise, weight stability after a BBL is important to maintain volume in the butt while retaining the proportional, sculpted, and contoured appearance of the areas from where fat was removed.

If you are considering a Brazilian Butt lift in NYC, reach out to AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that has surgeons who have extensive expertise performing the procedure. In leading practices, surgeons will evaluate your anatomical considerations and goals carefully to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. They will use 3D imaging software to help you visualize your outcome and take an informed decision.

Don’t settle for less when it comes to your figure.

Take the first step towards a more captivating you with a Brazilian Butt lift!

Call our office at 212-265-2724 | 1-800-282-7285! to schedule your consultation.

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