Smooth Out Violin Hips With Hip Dip Surgery

Though hip dips or violin hips are naturally occurring indents on along the side of the body, just below the hip bone, many women are unhappy with them. If you are looking to address that inward depression on the upper part of your legs, hip dip surgery in NYC can help. This minimally invasive cosmetic surgical procedure can provide you with well-contoured, rounded hips.

Hip Dip Surgery

The width of hips and how the fat is distributed across the hip area and over the muscles can affect whether the hip dips show through or not. This uniquely shaped indent is natural, harmless and not a medical condition and some women take pride in it. On the other hand, others who are aspiring to achieve a smooth ‘hourglass’ silhouette, tend see violin hips as a feature that needs correction. Hip dip surgery is an ideal way to get rid of hip dips.

The procedure involves liposuction and fat transfer to hips. Fat grafts are placed in a way as to fill out the indentations and result in a smoother, more streamlined shape. Hip dip surgery in NYC comes with benefits :

  • Enhanced feminine hips
  • A trimmer midsection
  • An attractive “hourglass” figure
  • Natural, long-lasting results
  • Little downtime

Similar to the Brazilian butt lift, the first step in hip dip surgery is liposuction to remove fat from one area of your body (such as the lower abdomen or thighs). Next, the extracted fat is purified and relocated to your hips to provide the desired enhancement. While conventional hip augmentation is performed using general anesthesia, experts in NYC plastic surgery practices use less invasive techniques – such as Smartlipo, BodyTite, or VASERlipo that require only local anesthesia – to extract the fat and provide a fuller appearance to the hips. The type of anesthesia used would depend on patient considerations.

Though the procedure is performed using minimally invasive techniques, not every women is a good candidate. Healthy people who are within 30 percent of their ideal body weight, are nonsmokers, have good skin elasticity and no prior history of bleeding may be good candidates for hip dip surgery. It’s also important to have realistic expectations about the outcome.

Patients might experience certain complications such as swelling and bruising post hip dip surgery, which will subside in few weeks (depending on the sensitivity of your skin). To heal quickly, follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, which would include, among other things, refraining from exercising and entering pools, saunas, and hot tubs for some time, and keeping the treatment site clean and dry. It generally takes at least 3 months or longer to see the final results of the procedure.

When performed by a skilled surgeon, hip dips surgery in NYC can provide you with rounder hips and a curved, defined shape.  So, if you are considering the procedure, schedule a consultation in an AAAASF-credited plastic surgery practice that offers the services of surgeons who are experts in liposuction and fat transfer. Experts will also provide proper guidance on what to expect as well as customized treatment to help you achieve the best results.