Tips for a Smooth Recovery after Tummy Tuck

Leading plastic surgeons offer tummy tuck in NYC is a popular aesthetic procedure that addresses excess fat and sagging skin which diet and exercises cannot resolve. The procedure, also known as abdominoplasty, tightens the abdominal muscles and removes excess fat and skin to result in a trimmer, streamlined midsection. Many complications can be avoided if an experienced plastic surgeon performs the procedure. Most patients have concerns regarding recovery time after this cosmetic surgical procedure.

Tummy TuckA tummy tuck can include a long incision, removal of skin and fat, suturing of abdominal muscles along with liposuction, or be a minimally invasive procedure performed using advanced liposuction techniques. It can take some time to recover from the surgery even if it is performed using a minimally invasive method. Here are some tips to promote smooth recovery after a tummy tuck:

  • Nutrition: It is very important to pay attention to your diet before and after the procedure. Maintaining a healthy diet will strengthen your metabolism and help you heal faster. Eat a balanced healthy diet that includes dark leafy greens along with pineapple and vitamin C-rich foods. Foods that might cause gas, such as cabbage and beans, should be avoided. Stay away from fried and salty foods. Try to eat small portions throughout the day and keep hydrated yourself by drinking lots of water.
  • Pain: Pain and swelling are common for the first few weeks after the procedure, so take the prescribed pain medications without fail. Typically, patients have pain in the front and back of their abdomen. This can be solved by taking pain medications prescribed by your plastic surgeon.
  • Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake: Healing in smokers is major issue as many blood vessels are cut during a tummy tuck procedure and wound healing can be compromised in some areas of the abdomen. Smoking can hinder two things: the ability of cells to divide and grow, and the ability of white blood cells to eliminate bacteria that can lead to infections. So it’s very important to quit smoking prior to and after the surgery.
  • Wear the compression garment as recommended by the surgeon: Wearing compression garment for the first few days will reduce swelling and prevent fluid accumulation. This will promote faster healing and also have a positive impact on the outcome.
  • Take steps to prevent infection: Keep the surgical site clean to prevent infection. It is not advisable to take a shower. You may sponge bath your arms, legs, and face without removing the compression garment. Take care to see that the compression garment does not get wet.
  • Avoid strenuous activities: Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for few weeks after the procedure. Give enough time to your body to heal by taking rest and sleeping. Lack of sleep will increase your cortisol levels and impair healing. Ideally, arrange someone who can help you with household activities, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of your children, among other things.
  • Follow your surgeon’s advice: It’s very important that you follow your surgeon’s instructions. Your surgeon will give you the best advice on how to heal, recover and avoid complications. Contact your surgeon immediately if you notice anything unusual.

In New York City, abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery is available in AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practices. Choose a qualified plastic surgeon who is experienced in performing the procedure. A reliable surgeon will tell you all you want to know about the procedure and recovery. However, while a skilled surgeon can provide you with optimal outcomes, you need to be prepared to commit to a healthy lifestyle to maintain those results.