Tips to Prepare for Neck Lift Surgery in Manhattan NYC

Looking to get rid of that double chin? Neck lift surgery in Manhattan, NYC is an ideal way to eliminate the excess fat and skin around your jaw line and in the neck. This minimally invasive procedure also tightens the neck muscles and improves neck bands. When performed by expert plastic surgeons, the procedure can provide you with a slimmer, firmer neck and jaw line, and a more youthful facial appearance.

Any type of cosmetic surgery is a life changing experience and you need to be both mentally and physically prepared. Proper preparation for neck lift surgery is important to ensure the best-looking results possible. During your consultation, your surgeon will provide instructions to follow before and after the surgery. Make sure to discuss all your current medications and any drug allergies you have with your surgeon, and follow the recommendations made on any medication changes and adjustments before the procedure.

Here are some helpful tips to prepare for neck lift surgery.

Neck Lift Surgery Preparation Tips

Neck Lift Surgery

One week before the procedure

  • Avoid blood thinning medicines
  • Avoid taking herbal supplements
  • Stop smoking and drinking
  • Get the recommended lab tests
  • Prepare your home for recovery
  • Arrange for a responsible person to drive you home
  • Take sufficient time off from work
  • Eat healthy and stay hydrated

The day before the procedure

  • Get sufficient rest and sleep
  • Avoid eating 8 hours before the procedure
  • Avoid alcohol at least 2 weeks before the procedure

On the day of the procedure

  • Avoid using cosmetics
  • Wear loose, comfortable front-button clothing

As neck lift in Manhattan, NYC is an outpatient procedure performed using local anesthesia, patients usually return home the same day. Although some swelling and bruising is common after the procedure, this typically subsides within a few days. It’s important to note that the final results will become apparent only after the healing process is complete. For safe treatment and the best outcomes, choose a plastic surgeon with significant experience in performing the procedure.

Transform your appearance with neck lift surgery in Manhattan, NYC!

Call 212-265-2724 | 1-800-282-7285 and schedule your consultation today!

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