What Is The Expected Downtime And Duration Of Recovery For Neck Lift Surgery?

Aging, weight loss, and genetic factors are among the factors that cause sagging skin, wrinkles, and unwanted skin in the neck area. A neck lift surgery in New York City is the best way to address these cosmetic issues and enhance neck contour. This minimally invasive procedure eliminates excess skin in the neck and under the jawline and improves sagging.

Neck Lift Surgery

Neck liposuction can treat problems like loose, sagging skin from severe weight loss, jowls, slack skin, and a double chin. Skilled plastic surgeons in NYC employ cutting-edge minimally-invasive techniques like Smartlipo Triplex, VASERlipo, and BodyTite to tighten the loose skin around the neck and eliminate stubborn fat. Combining neck liposuction with other procedures like a facelift can enhance outcomes.

Book a consultation today to discover how we can help you achieve a rejuvenated, elegant neck contour!

Call 1-800-282-7285 now

Top Minimally-invasive Neck Lift Techniques

Minimally-invasive Techniques

Smartlipo Triplex

This body contouring technique uses laser energy to liquefy and remove excess fat, and tighten the skin. This Smartlipo workstation uses three different laser wavelengths—1440, 1064, and 1320 nm—to achieve the ideal level of skin tightening. The downtime for this procedure is minimal. It is an excellent choice for treating fibrous areas, secondary liposuction cases, and both smaller and larger areas of fat deposition.

VASER liposuction

This procedure uses ultrasound to eliminate fat from the body. The results may be visible immediately and improve as the area heals within a period of three to four months


This option uses radiofrequency energy to melt fat and coagulate tissue, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.

Downtime and Duration of Recovery for Neck Lift Surgery

After a neck lift procedure, recovery typically takes 4-6 weeks. You will notice a more contoured neck area and scars will gradually fade over the next six months.

There will be noticeable swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort for the first week after the treatment. After a few weeks, though, you will experience a noticeable difference.

Wear the compression garment as advised to keep your newly sculpted and shaped neck in place and prevent fluid accumulation, which can lead to inflammation. Depending on your needs, you should wear a compression garment from the first post-operative day until the end of the first or third week.

It’s critical to keep your incision dry for the first few days following the procedure. It is recommended that you refrain from showering for approximately a day before starting again and washing your hair. The recovery phase often involves what is described as “moderate discomfort and pain”. This is because the anesthetic and painkiller effects start to wear off at this point. Consult your surgeon if you’re in a lot of pain and follow their advice about taking medication.

After the procedure, get enough rest and refrain from doing any strenuous exercise for a few weeks. Walking, on the other hand, is usually recommended during the second week as it increases blood circulation and promotes rapid healing. You can resume your intense exercise regimen only if your incisions have healed, typically after a month.

After the procedure, you should sleep on your back with your shoulders off the pillow and your head elevated at a 30-degree angle. By doing this, you can keep your incisions from being compressed and help proper healing. You will need to keep doing this for the first four weeks at least of the recovery phase. After two weeks, depending on how well your incisions have healed, you may be able to resume your usual sleeping position.

Patients usually express great satisfaction with the results of a neck lift, even though the recovery phase requires patience and time. For safe and effective treatment, it’s critical to find a qualified and experienced surgeon. Leading AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery centers provide neck lift surgery in NYC using minimally invasive techniques that come with short downtime and recovery.

Are you considering a neck lift surgery? Schedule a consultation with our experienced plastic surgeon.

Call 1-800-282-7285 today