What is Included in a Mommy Makeover?

Becoming a mother is one of the most delightful experiences in a woman’s life. However, pregnancy and childbirth can affect a woman both physically and emotionally. Physical changes after pregnancy and childbirth include loss of breast volume, sagging skin and excess fat in various areas, and stretch marks/wrinkles. These issues usually don’t respond to a stringent diet and exercise regimen. The mommy makeover is one a combination of plastic surgery procedures specifically designed to address a woman’s post-pregnancy aesthetic issues. A mommy makeover in Manhattan is a package of multiple procedures such as liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, breast augmentation, and breast lift.

Mommy Makeover

The mommy makeover aims to improve the physical changes that stay long after pregnancy. One of the main reasons for the increasing popularity of this combo procedure is that it has no set components and is custom-tailored to address each patient’s unique needs. The treatment typically starts with a breast and abdomen contouring procedure, with more components being added on as needed.

Key Components of a Mommy Makeover

As the breasts and abdomen are the key areas of change with motherhood, a mommy makeover will often focus on these body areas. Breast size will change during pregnancy and breast-feeding. A certain degree of size change and sagginess in the breasts is common with pregnancy, and the breasts will enlarge and increase as a full cup size or more. Returning back to normal size would require a significant reduction in breast volume and sagging. Throughout a pregnancy, the abdominal muscles, skin and tissues stretch to safely accommodate the growing baby. However, after childbirth, these layers may not bounce back to their taut, pre-baby shape.

The mommy makeover in Manhattan includes options to address these and other concerns:

  • Liposuction – Lipolysis removes excess fat that refuses to respond to exercise and diet. The procedure can address stubborn fat deposits in multiple areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms and neck.
  • Breast Augmentation – This procedure involves using breast implants to enhance breast size and contour, and correct any asymmetry.
Read our blogBreast Augmentation – A Key Element in the Mommy Makeover

  • Breast Lift – During pregnancy, the breast ligaments may stretch and lose their elasticity and firmness. Mastopexy or breast lift is a surgical procedure that lifts sagging breasts and restores youthful contour.
  • Tummy Tuck – Also known as abdominoplasty, this procedure removes fat and tightens the excess skin in the abdominal region. It restores the natural contour of the mid-section.
  • Breast Reduction – Also known as reduction mammoplasty, this procedure removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin and results in a breast size that is more proportionate to the rest of the body.
  • Lower Body Lift – This procedure removes excess fat and sagging skin, and tones the lower body by tightening the underlying tissues.

An ideal candidate for the mommy makeover is a woman who has completed having children. She should be in good health without any serious medical conditions and be a nonsmoker.  Each woman recovers from pregnancy at a different rate and it is important to let the body get back to as close as normal as possible before you undergo these procedures. This means maintaining a healthy diet to lose weight and allowing time to return to normal exercise routine. Recovery can take from one to two weeks. This will again depend on the specific procedures included in the mommy makeover plan.

Choosing an expert plastic surgeon in Manhattan, NYC is important for a successful and pleasant surgical experience with minimal complications.

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