What Should You Know Before Getting a Thigh Lift?

Excess skin and stubborn fat deposits in the thigh area can be a common concern for women who have experienced significant weight loss or the natural effects of aging. Despite diet and exercise, these aesthetic issues may persist. Thigh lift surgery provides the solution by eliminating extra skin and fat, tightening the underlying tissues, and contouring the thighs for a smoother, more toned appearance. Getting a thigh lift in Manhattan can enhance the overall appearance and contour of the thighs, and create a more toned and sculpted appearance. More aesthetically pleasing thighs can boost your self-confidence and body image, and make you feel more comfortable and confident in your clothing choices, whether it’s wearing shorts, skirts, or swimwear.

Thigh Lift

Enhance lower body contour with thigh lift!

Call us at 1-800-282-7285 to learn more.

What is Thigh Lift and How is it Performed?

A thigh lift is a plastic surgery procedure that removes extra fat from the inner, outer, or both thighs. The procedure treats loose, sagging skin and fat on the thighs and sculpts the legs to provide a firmer, tighter appearance.

A thigh lift in Manhattan is performed using the latest liposuction techniques to deliver the best outcomes. The following minimally invasive techniques are employed to reshape and sculpt the thighs:

  • BodyTite and BodyFX: For effective body contouring and notable skin contraction, BodyTiteTM uses patented radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology. BodyFX has the ability to permanently destroy adipocytes, resulting in a smoother, longer-lasting contour.
  • Smartlipo Triplex: This device features triple laser wavelengths to remove stubborn fat and provide excellent skin-tightening effects.
  • VaserLipo: This device has unique suction cannulas and probes that can produce astonishingly smooth outcomes for inner thigh contouring.

Preparing for Procedure

Stop taking any medications that could result in significant bleeding. Aspirin, herbal supplements, and other inflammatory medications fall within this category. You will also need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol because they hinder the healing process.


You will have some soreness for the first 24 to 48 hours following the procedure. Your surgeon will apply compressive bandages to your thighs and prescribe pain medications to ease discomfort. Individual healing times following thigh lift surgery may differ. After surgery, most patients need to rest for two to three weeks before starting their normal routines, in most cases, six weeks later. Bruising and swelling will be evident during the first two weeks. Surgical drains may be placed at the incision sites to remove blood or other fluids. During the first several days of recovery, you must keep your legs elevated. After a few days, you can start showering again. Refrain from strenuous activity for the first four weeks.

Who is a Good Candidate?

If you are healthy, at a reasonably steady weight, and have sagging skin in the thigh area, you might be a suitable candidate for a thigh lift. To ensure optimal tissue recovery, patients should be willing to give up smoking for at least two weeks prior to and two weeks following the thigh lift treatment. In order to preserve your outcomes over time, you should follow a healthy lifestyle.

Struggling with excess skin and persistent fat deposits in your thighs? Get a thigh lift and get smoother, firmer, and more contoured legs!

Schedule your consultation at our practice today – call 1-800-282-7285

If you are considering a thigh lift in Manhattan, schedule a consultation with a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon.