When And Why Should You Replace Your Breast Implants?

Women have breast augmentation surgery to improve breast size and shape, address asymmetry, and achieve a more proportionate bustline. It is an ideal option for women who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy or weight loss and want to restore the fullness and shape of their breasts. Breast augmentation surgery in Manhattan is performed using saline or silicone implants. If you are considering the procedure, you should know that breast implants don’t last forever and will need to be replaced.

Breast Implants

Breast implant surgery is a safe procedure with little or no risk. Though saline and silicone implants last a long time, they will not last a lifetime. Breast implants should be exchanged after 10 to 15 years.

When is Breast Implant Exchange Needed?

There are many reasons why a woman may need to replace her breast implants.

  • To upgrade: One reason for breast implant revision is changing aesthetics. If you had your breast implant surgery in your early 20s, you may not like the same look when you reach your 30s or 40s.
  • To switch size or type: Women may want to exchange their implant for a larger or smaller size or to switch from saline to silicone implants, or vice versa.
  • To address complications: Breast implants will have to be replaced if they develop complications such as:
    • Rupture: When a saline implant ruptures, it is self-evident when the implant deflates. But the rupture of a silicone implant would go unnoticed and this is one of the reasons why you should have your breast implants checked every year. Getting an MRI can help ensure that your silicone implants are in good working order.

    • Malposition: This happens when your implant moves out of its proper position. This usually affects women who have a larger implant than their body can support. The implant will move out of its original position when the skin and tissue of the breasts become weaken. It may fall below the inframammary fold or move to the armpit.
    • Capsular contracture: Capsular contracture occurs when the protective tissue capsule that forms naturally around the breast implant, hardens. This can affect breast contour.

Consult an Expert

Breast revision surgery can be challenging.  If you’re considering exchanging your breast implant, schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast revision surgery. Your surgeon will evaluate the following during your consultation:

  • Your natural breast tissue
  • Skin elasticity and tone
  • Placement and health status
  • Position of the nipple

If it’s just an implant exchange to modify size, the revision is often done using the existing incision. Patients who need a breast lift along with their implant exchange may need additional breast incisions.

Some patients want to replace their current implants with larger ones, while others may want the opposite. Replacing a breast implant with a reduced size will result in excess skin and tissue and a breast lift may be recommended to achieve the optimal contour.

Plastic surgery practices that offer breast augmentation surgery in Manhattan have surgeons who are experts in breast revision. An expert will evaluate your goals and anatomical considerations and perform the procedure to help you achieve optimal results.