When Can I Exercise After Gynecomastia Treatment?

Gynecomastia or male breast enlargement is caused by hormonal imbalances, medications, or other factors. The condition can be a source of embarrassment or discomfort for men, and may lead to lower self-esteem and feelings of anxiety or depression. Gynecomastia surgery in Manhattan, NYC can remove extra breast tissue and provide a more sculpted, athletic chest.

Gynecomastia Treatment

Get a more well-defined chest with Male Breast With Breast Reduction surgery at bodySCULPT. To learn more, contact us at 1-800-282-7285

Male breast reduction surgery is the best option to address gynecomastia. NYC plastic surgeons can perform the procedure using two technologies—BodyTite RFAL (radio frequency assisted) and Smartlipo Triplex (laser assisted). Both of these techniques effectively reduce breast fat while also significantly contracting the skin, which improves the outcome. The surgery may also involve repositioning the nipple and areola.

After the treatment, some men resume their regular activities in a matter of weeks, but others will require more time to heal. Most patients are uncertain about when they can resume exercise after male breast reduction surgery. Here’s what you need to know about exercising after gynecomastia treatment.

Exercise Post Male breast reduction Surgery

How the gynecomastia procedure is performed will differ from person to person. Some procedures call for very small incisions near the areola. Others require more extensive incisions below the breast. The most important factor in quick recovery from this procedure is rest. Patients should get as much rest as their bodies need in the early stages of recuperation. The body uses a great deal of physical energy during the healing process to repair the tissues that were damaged during surgery.

When it comes to exercise, plastic surgeons recommend that you start out soon but slowly. This will promote healthy blood flow while reducing the risk of blood clots. For the first week or two following surgery, restrict your exercise to gentle walking. After one to two weeks, you can resume your regular physical activities. Avoid any strenuous activity or exercise. Resuming your workout regimen before you recover fully can compromise your outcomes and increase your risk of complications.

Guidelines for Exercise Following Male Reduction Breast Surgery

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t exercise for at least four weeks following your procedure. Here are some useful suggestions on resuming exercise after you’ve been given the all-clear.

  • Stick to cardio initially: Walking is a low-intensity cardio exercise that you can perform during your initial recovery period. This will help keep your body fit and support the healing process. Additionally, cardio will burn calories and help maintain a low body fat percentage, which will make the effects of your surgery more noticeable.
  • Wear the compression garment as advised: You will be instructed to wear a compression garment after any surgery. This is important after gynecomastia, treatment to keep your stitches in place and stop your incisions from rupturing. To prevent injury, put on your compression gear before you begin working out.
  • Avoid chest exercises: Even if you are allowed to exercise four weeks after surgery, you should avoid chest workouts as your chest is still healing. You can ask your surgeon about the right time to resume these exercises.
  • Instead of lifting weights, use machines: Your body will be weaker than usual due to recent surgery and the recovery process, which can increase your risk of injury. So, use machines instead of lifting weights.

Exercise is important to preserve the outcomes of breast reduction surgery. However, make sure to follow your surgeon’s recommendations on exercising when you are recovering from gynecomastia surgery. Also, stick to a healthy diet and avoid binge-eating.

Gynecomastia treatment in Manhattan is a safe and effective way to get rid of excess male breast tissue and glandular fat. Your plastic surgeon will give you advice on how to improve your recovery process and lower your risk of complications.

Don’t let gynecomastia affect your self-confidence and quality of life! Call 1-800-282-7285 today to schedule a consultation for male breast reduction surgery.