Why And When You Need To Stop Smoking Before Getting A Brazilian Butt Lift

If you plan undergoing Brazilian butt lift in New York City, you will be given specific guidelines that to follow before and after the procedure. One common but important guideline is to completely stop smoking or using products with nicotine several weeks before and after the Brazilian butt lift (BBL) procedure. Let’s see why.

Brazilian Butt Lift

We all are aware of the smoking effects that take toll on our health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, causing more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States – which is nearly one in five deaths. Moreover, smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop health diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. So, quitting smoking is good for your health.

The chronic harmful effects of smoking can go beyond your general health. When you have surgery, it will be detrimental to the healing process as smoking affects how the body handles surgery and can cause complications. The vasoconstrictor in cigarette smoke limits the flow of blood to your tissues and can lead to poor wound healing, open wounds, and necrosis (death of tissues). Moreover, by decreasing blood flow and oxygen levels in the body, smoking makes it difficult for surgical incisions to close and heal, and also increases risk of complications and scarring. It also weakens the immune system, and increases the chance of infection after surgery.

That’s why expert surgeons recommend that BBL patients quit smoking – all forms of smoking after surgery, even second-hand smoking – at least six weeks before and after the procedure. In BBL, nicotine could also prevent the transplanted fat tissue from settling and forming the healthy blood supply it needs to survive in its new environment. To prevent such complications and ensure the best results for Brazilian butt augmentation in NYC, avoid smoking for at least six weeks before and after surgery.

The main problems that smoking causes for BBL patients are:

  • Tightens the blood vessels and decreases healthy circulation
  • Can cause coughing, leading to pain
  • Might lead to increased blood loss
  • Slows the healing process and leads to longer recovery time
  • Fat necrosis which causes hard lumps under the skin
  • Permanent blood vessel damage
  • Higher risk for:
    • Postoperative infection
    • Tissue necrosis and loss
    • More visible scarring
    • Need for reoperations
    • Complications such as heart attack, stroke, shock and even death

Along with quitting smoking, surgeons also advise their patients to avoid or limit their alcohol consumption. Overall, the main idea behind these guidelines – whether the procedure is invasive or minimally-invasive – is to minimize risks for patients and help them achieve best possible outcome.

If you’re considering Brazilian butt surgery in New York City, schedule a consultation with an experienced surgeon in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice. An expert will sit down with you and discuss your goals, provide insight into the procedure, and what you can expect your results to be.

Even if you are not considering plastic surgery, quitting permanently is important for your own health and those around you.

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Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery – Preparation and Recovery
Is Brazilian Butt Lift a Safe Procedure?
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