Who Is Not A Candidate For EmbraceRF?

Skin laxity and excess fat accumulation in the face and neck area – caused by factors such as natural aging, skin type, gravity, and sun exposure – can be successfully resolved with EmbraceRF in NYC. This breakthrough facial contouring procedure remodels the adipose tissue and allows for precise sculpting of the lower face and neck by combining two proprietary InMode technologies: radiofrequency-assisted FaceTite and Morpheus8. It allows the surgeon to provide dramatic results by balancing the amount of fat removed, molded, and retained.


This procedure is ideal for those who are concerned about excess fat and skin laxity in the lower face and neck area, but are not ready for a facelift. Though the procedure is minimally-invasive and safe for patients of all skin types and tones, there are certain criteria that can make a person unsuitable candidate for EmbraceRF:

  • Have a pacemaker or internal defibrillator
  • Have superficial metal or other metal implants in the treatment area
  • Have skin cancer
  • Have a severe medical condition
  • Are undergoing active cancer treatment
  • Is an ASA III patient with uncontrolled diabetes or severe cardiac conditions
  • Are pregnant or nursing
  • Have an impaired immune system
  • Have active sores in the treatment area
  • Have a history of bleeding disorders or use anticoagulants
  • Cannot quit smoking
  • Cannot discontinue Accutane, the medication for severe cystic acne (should be discontinued six months before the procedure)

In general, EmbraceRF is an ideal treatment option for those who are not ready to undergo a facelift and have not been able to achieve the desired results through other treatments. It is ideal for patients who have skin laxity in the lower face and neck, with or without underlying fat concerns, and specifically those who fall into the following categories:

  • Treatment Gap Patients: Those who do not have bad enough skin for a facelift and not good enough skin elasticity for liposuction.
  • Sideline Patients: All potential patients who are candidates for a facelift, but have not had surgery due to concerns about scarring and general anesthesia.
  • Facelift Maintenance Patients: This includes patients who have had a previous facelift, but have had early recurrence of jowls and neck laxity, and are too early to repeat another facelift.

The candidate should also be healthy and a non-smoker. If you have severe skin sag, then facelift in NYC could be a more appropriate solution.

EmbraceRF was invented by plastic surgeons in NYC who have experience in performing radiofrequency assisted cosmetic procedures. If you are considering EmbraceRF in NYC, schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. An expert will assess you and determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.