Why is it Difficult to Target Fat Loss to Certain Body Areas?

Most people looking to lose weight are likely looking to improve specific fat-prone areas of their body such as the abdomen, thighs, breasts, etc. The waistline, thigh, and arms are the common areas that store excess body fat. Exercise and diet help reduce fat to a certain extent, but fat deposits in certain locations might not respond to these measures in the way you’d hoped. Whether fat is hard or easy to lose depends on the area where it is located. It’s a fact that it is difficult to target fat loss to specific body areas.

Why Spot Reduction is Ineffective

Body contouring in Manhattan can provide the solution, but let’s look at the reasons why spot reduction is ineffective.

Fat Loss

All fat it not created equal: When you eat more calories than you burn, your body stores fat. Some fat like that in the bone marrow, the heart, and the central nervous system is essential for your body. At the same time, excess fat stored in different body areas is harmful. This is subcutaneous fat stored under the skin. The fat in the abdominal area that surrounds the internal organs and protect them is called visceral fat. This fat is harmful as it increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, some cancers, and other chronic conditions. Even if you also exercise, due to genetic makeup different people have different bodies they still can’t lose the fat accumulated in different locations.

When exercise is not enough: Your body needs energy to perform breathing and moving, when you exercise you get that energy from burning carbohydrates and fat. When you work out more, you will need more energy, and will burn more fat. So, when you exercise you can control how much fat you will burn. Studies shows that you cannot count on exercise to reduce fat in a particular location, even if exercise specifically targets that location.

Ways to Lose Exercise-Resistant Fat

Each person’s body is built in a different way, and if you have exercise-resistant fat, it might be because that way your body is built cannot lose fat easily on that particular area. If such fat is a concern, you have several options to address it. Upper body exercise can strengthen your core and help you stand straighter, which will make you look thinner. Even if cardio workouts cannot target specific areas of concern, they can help you lose weight faster.

However, if exercise is not working for you, getting liposuction can help you achieve a more proportionate body. Plastic surgeons offer minimally-invasive and non-invasive options for body contouring in Manhattan that can eliminate unwanted fat safely and effectively. These techniques can address stubborn fat in various areas such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, arms, breasts, and more. These body contouring methods are not meant for weight loss, but can help ideal candidates achieve a well-shaped body.

The minimally-invasive techniques include laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex, ultrasound-assisted VASERlipo and BodyTite which uses radiofrequency energy. In addition to removing excess fat, these techniques also provide excellent skin tightening effects.

Non-invasive body contouring techniques such as EVOLVE, BodyFX, EVOKE and Forma use radiofrequency energy.

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If you are concerned by stubborn fat and haven’t been able to achieve the results you want with diet and exercise, body sculpting in Manhattan could be the right option to achieve your goals. For optimal results, make sure you choose an expert plastic surgeon in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice to perform your body contouring procedure